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Why is the header function not working in PHP?
I’m working on the “Building a simple PHP application” deep dive and am stuck on the header function not redirecting my user to the ‘Thank you’ page. Here’s my PHP code from the contact.php file setup in the videos.
How to store a header in a buffer in PHP?
Solution to the Problem. To solve this problem, we have to store the header in a buffer and send the buffer at the end of the script, so to store the header in the buffer, we will use the php ob_start() function and to clean the buffer, we will use the ob_end_flush() function.
Why are there spaces in my header.php file?
You may need to recheck your header.php file for any part that may output HTML or spaces before your first EDIT: I am now sure that it is caused from header.php since you have those HTML output. You can fix this by remove the “include (‘header.php’);” line and copy the following code to your file instead.
How to include pre.php in header.php?
Then in header.php, include that, in stead of including the two other files. In form.php, include pre.php in stead of header.php. Your include produces output, thereby making it impossible to send a http header later. Two option:
Why do I get an IF IF ELSE error?
Copy/paste all of your code in with your question, include the exercise number you are working on and the exact error message you are seeing. Typically the following error messages are caused by faulty if/else syntax First off, a quick review of what if statements look like. A typical if () statement looks like this.
How are the if, else, and endif directives nested?
The #if, #elif, #else, and #endif directives can nest in the text portions of other #if directives. Each nested #else, #elif, or #endif directive belongs to the closest preceding #if directive.
Can you send content to your browser before executing a header?
You can not send content to your browser before executing a header (), as your echo will force a header to be sent. Comment these lines out and see if it works: Now your header will be sent and you will be redirected. Does simple PHP script like the following work?
How to add custom headers in WordPress theme support?
add_theme_support (‘custom-header’); When enabling Custom Headers, you can configure several other options by passing along arguments to the add_theme_support () function. You can pass specific configuration options to the add_theme_support function using an array: 1
How to set custom HTTP headers in PHP?
Setting custom headers with PHP. This is a guide on how to set custom HTTP response headers using PHP. This can be useful if you need to tell the client something without outputting it in the body response. Take a look at the following example:
‘my-custom-menu’, ‘container_class’ => ‘custom-menu-class’ ) ); ?> The theme location is the name that we selected in the previous step. The container class is the CSSclass that will be added to your navigation menu. Your menu will appear as a plain bulleted list on your website.