How to create procedural worlds from simple tiles?

How to create procedural worlds from simple tiles?

A naive algorithm for creating tilings would exhaustively search the space of tilings and run in exponential time. The hope is that we can create interesting worlds using tile sets that are solvable using search accelerated by heuristics.

Which is the only concrete rule for a tiling?

This is the only concrete rule for a tiling: tile edge colors must match up. All the higher level structure flows from this. A valid tiling looks like this: This is a tiling which is supposed to represent a map with water, beaches, grass, towns with buildings (blue rectangles), and snow capped mountains. The black lines show borders between tiles.

Why is it hard to create a nontrivial tiling?

Intuitively, the problem of correctly creating a nontrivial tiling is hard because the tile sets can encode arbitrary, long range dependencies. Formally, this is an NP complete constraint satisfaction problem when we consider tile sets in general.

Why are there transitions in a simple tile set?

The difficulty of creating a valid tiling is largely determined by the number of transitions necessary to get between two tile types. A simple tile set might contain only sand, water, and grass. If grass and water cannot touch, then a transition to sand will be necessary between the two.

What does procedural generation mean in game development?

Procedural generation (or PG) is the ability to create “partially” random content by the computer. This means that with little to no input, you can program infinite content for your players.

How are dungeon rooms generated in procedural generation?

So, when building (for example) a generated dungeon room, you will need rules (or procedures ): A room must have one or more of: loot, monsters or puzzle etc… Using a set of rules, we can now generate a room that a player would have 1 or more activities to complete, before moving on to the next room.

How to make tileable procedural noise texture in Blender?

Here’s an implementation of that as nodes, expressing c as a multiple of a. The U and V nodes multiply the generated 0-1 X and Y values by 2pi. whose output can be put through a mapping node for conveniently hunting down locations and rotations of the torus which give a desirable pattern..

How many tiles of texture can you apply to an object?

Generated Coordinates will apply exactly 1×1 tiles of texture per object and stretch along with the object dimensions even if you change it’s size (similar to the behavior you are currently getting in your images).

How do you repeat a texture in Blender?

Object Coordinates will use the object’s local coordinates for repeating your texture across the surface, exactly one tile per Blender unit (measured in object local coordinates), if the object grows in Edit Mode, more patterns tiles show up without stretching or distortion.