Are there any known issues with the advanced custom fields plugin?

Are there any known issues with the advanced custom fields plugin?

Welcome to the known issues guide for the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. This guide contains information and solutions for common problems found in each release. If you are experiencing an issue with the ACF plugin, please continue reading and contact our support team with any questions.

Are there any issues with the ACF plugin?

A bug found in the text and textarea field validation function caused an incorrect character count when validating a value containing special characters. Status: Solved. Please re-download the ACF PRO plugin files. A bug found in the “Local Fields” logic caused all metaboxes to appear in reverse order.

Why is WP custom fields removed from ACF?

This is expected behavior added in v5.5.13 and enabled by default in 5.6.0. ACF now removes the default WP custom fields metabox in an attempt to speed up the load times of the post edit page. This feature can be disabled with the following code.

What are the issues with custom fields in WordPress?

All field groups shown in the “content area” look awkward, detached and slightly broken. More care should have gone into the styling of metaboxes to avoid such a disjointed UI and UX. Status: This is also a known issue that has been bumped to WordPress 5.0.1.

Is there an issue with the ACF Pro plugin?

This issue can occur when activating or updating the ACF PRO plugin. The following message will appear in an error notice at the top of the admin page: Error. Could not connect to update server (cURL error 51: SSL: certificate subject name ‘*’ does not match target host name ‘’).

Is there a bug in the Classic Editor plugin?

A bug exists within the Classic Editor plugin causing a WSOD (White Screen of Death) when editing a field group. This issue has been reported to the Classic Editor here. Status: Solved. Please update Classic Editor to version 1.1.

How do I install advanced custom fields on my website?

How To Install Advanced Custom Fields. Advanced Custom Fields is installed like any other plugin. Go to Plugins > Add New and search for Advanced Custom Fields, then press enter. The plugin should show up on first place and you can get it onto your site via Install Now. When the installation is done, don’t forget to activate.

How to use WordPress advanced custom fields-in depth?

We will now take an in-depth look at how to install and use the plugin to implement WordPress custom fields on your WordPress site. Advanced Custom Fields plugin is installed like any other plugin. Go to Plugins > Add New and search for Advanced Custom Fields, then press enter.

How to use advanced custom fields in Google Maps?

Relationship — Same as post object but with an advanced interface and reordering via drag and drop Taxonomy — Returns an object or ID for one or more taxonomies. Can be limited to tags, categories or custom taxonomy terms. User — Select one or more users. Option to limit choice by user role. Google Map — Set a center, zoom level and width

How to use advanced custom fields in WordPress?

Your fields have appeared and are ready for content. At the core of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is the simple and intuitive API. Use functions like get_field () and the_field () to quickly build powerful templates. custom field management couldn’t be easier or look any better!

How to Hide Empty fields in ACF template?

It is a common task to hide empty field values from your template. This can be achieved by using conditional statements to check the value before rending it. The basics to conditional a statement is to use an if statement.

How to fix custom fields in WordPress plugin?

Fix – Fixed bug breaking WYSIWYG field after reordering a child block via the block’s toolbar up/down buttons. Fix – Added missing “readonly” and “disabled” attributes to DateTime and Time picker fields.

Why are ACF custom fields not showing in custom post type?

It’s still much more an ACF issue than a CPTUI issue, since it’s their product/UI/etc being added. As long as the post types are being registered and are available at the time, then CPTUI’s job is done. Not sure if you were responding to me, but I want to say I do not place any blame your way!

How to add custom fields to a theme?

Load and display your custom field values in any theme template file with our hassle free developer friendly functions! Create a field group, add your fields and define the location rules. Presto! Your fields have appeared and are ready for content. At the core of the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is the simple and intuitive API.