How do I load a child theme in WordPress?

How do I load a child theme in WordPress?

The style.css file tells WordPress to load the Parent Theme’s files after the Child. Place this file inside the Child Theme’s folder. Make sure it is in the root level of the Child Theme folder and not inside a subfolder. The style.css file needs the following code at the top:

Can a child theme be included in a parent theme?

You can also include files in the child theme that are not included in the parent theme. For instance, you might want to create a more specific template than is found in your parent theme, such as a template for a specific page or category archive (e.g. page-3.php would load for a Page with the ID of 3).

How is functions.php loaded in a child theme?

Unlike style.css, the functions.php of a child theme does not override its counterpart from the parent. Instead, it is loaded in addition to the parent’s functions.php. (Specifically, it is loaded right before the parent’s file.)

What happens if you fail to install a parent theme in WordPress?

WordPress will automatically try to install the parent theme if it is available on theme directory. If it fails to install the parent theme, then you will not be able to activate the child theme. It will show your child theme as broken on the themes page. Here is how you will install your parent theme.

Why are my child theme styles not working?

This will cause the styles from the parent theme to override your child theme styles. You can change the priority of your my_theme_enqueue_styles function to run after the parent by using the third parameter of add_action. This will enqueue your child theme styles last and allow the CSS to work as expected.

How to add a custom page template using a child theme?

The filename needs to be relative to the theme’s directory, so if the template lived in a folder templates inside the child theme, you’d need to check for ‘templates/template-sidebar.php’ instead. Go ahead and refresh your page.

Why is my child theme CSS not working?

In my case, the line wp_get_theme ()->get (‘Version’) returned 1.0.0 which was the same version number as the parent theme. So I just changed the child theme css version number to 1.0.1 and it worked.

How to add stylesheet to a child theme?

When you need to include files that reside within your child theme’s directory structure, you will need to use get_stylesheet_directory(). Since the style.css is in the root of your child theme’s subdirectory, get_stylesheet_directory() points to your child theme’s directory (not the parent theme’s directory).

How to enqueue the parent theme stylesheet in PHP?

The recommended way of enqueuing the parent theme stylesheet currently is to add a wp_enqueue_scripts action and use wp_enqueue_style () in your child theme’s functions.php. You will therefore need to create a functions.php in your child theme directory.

How can I remove CSS styles from a child theme?

If you’re a developer, you might want to use something like browser inspector to find out where the offending styles are in the parent theme CSS. Then just copy and paste the code into your child theme CSS where you can edit it safely: After editing the file, just save it.

How big should a screenshot be for a child theme?

A theme’s screenshot is the thumbnail image that shows up under Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard. A screenshot image is not required for a Child Theme, but it will look sad without one. The recommended image size is 880×660.

Where to put WP _ enqueue _ script ( ) in a theme?

The wp_enqueue_script () function can technically be used in any theme or plugin template file but if you are loading global scripts you’ll want to place it either in your theme’s function.php file or in a separate file specifically intended to load scripts on the site.

Can you add JavaScript to a child theme?

Should I create a new javascript file then add it to the child theme, if so then I’m unsure of what to call the file and will it apply to the head from this location?

How to include parent styles in WordPress child themes?

This DigWP tutorial explains the “new” way to include parent stylesheets in Child Themes. I put the word “new” in quotes because the technique actually has been around for years, but there are many developers and designers who still use the old @import way of adding parent styles.

Why is my child theme not loading style.css?

We created a child theme with a style.css, defining required style classes. But in this case, the child theme styling was not getting applied. We checked the code, made a few changes and tested again.

Can a child theme overwrite a parent theme?

You may need to re-save your menu from Appearance > Menus and theme options (including background and header images) after activating the child theme. Other than the functions.php file (as noted above), any file you add to your child theme will overwrite the same file in the parent theme.

Where is the style.css file in WordPress?

The style.css is a stylesheet (CSS) file required for every WordPress theme. It controls the presentation (visual design and layout) of the website pages. In order for WordPress to recognize the set of theme template files as a valid theme, the style.css file needs to be located in the root directory of your theme, not a sub-directory.

How to link child theme to parent theme?

$theme_path is defined to get the template directory URI which will return the the parent theme directory (since template is the directory of parent theme). Then, the same directory path is used to link the stylesheet, which means it will link parent theme’s style.css.

What causes child theme to override parent theme?

This will cause the styles from the parent theme to override your child theme styles. You can change the priority of your my_theme_enqueue_styles function to run after the parent by using the third parameter of add_action.