How do I add classes to my WordPress site?

How do I add classes to my WordPress site?

How to add custom body class(es) to Pages in WordPress

  1. Install and activate Advanced Custom Fields (free or Pro). Add a new field group titled say, “Page Fields” having a body_class text-type field.
  2. Install and activate Code Snippets plugin.
  3. Edit the Page for which you wish to add a custom body class.

How do I create a drop down category in WordPress?

How to Create Dropdown Categories Menu on WordPress

  2. Insert your empty CATEGORIES tab through Custom Links option, like displayed:
  3. Click ADD TO MENU.
  4. Choose ADD to Menu.
  5. Go ahead and gently pull your category option to the right it should come up as a sub-menu under CATEGORIES tabs.

How to add custom items to specific WordPress menus?

Lets start with the basics. We need to add our own filter into wp_nav_menu_items hook. An example would look like this: Now as you can see, you can use the conditional statements along with the argument theme_location. This allows you to target a specific menu location with any condition you want.

How to create a custom link in WordPress?

Then… in the Menu tab of the WP Dashboard, create a custom link, add it to your menu. On the top where is says Screen Options, make sure you have “Link Relationship (XFN)” checked. It will add that field to your custom menu item.

How to add custom link to custom menu?

Paste the following code into your theme’s function.php: Then… in the Menu tab of the WP Dashboard, create a custom link, add it to your menu. On the top where is says Screen Options, make sure you have “Link Relationship (XFN)” checked. It will add that field to your custom menu item.

How to add class in < Li > menus?

Tough it is a quick fix for one-level menus or the menus that you want to add Classes to all of elements and is not recommended for more complex menus I added a class to easily implement menu arguments.