What is exact match search?

What is exact match search?

Exact Match is the Google keyword match type that allows you to show your ad when a searcher types the exact word or phrase you are bidding on. With Exact Match, your ads may appear when the meaning of someone’s search exactly matches your keyword.

How do I add an exact match?

Exact match has a specific symbol you have to add to your keywords, just put your keyword between square brackets [ ]. Note that the entire keyword needs to be contained in the square brackets, variations of this won’t work as they should.

How do I create a search page in WordPress?

Creating a Search Page #

  1. In the Administration Screen go to Pages > Add New.
  2. In the title field enter Search. Do not write anything in the content area.
  3. While still on the same page, look for Page Attributes on right side menu.
  4. Select the drop-down menu in Template, and select Search Page.
  5. Click the Publish button.

Is exact match more expensive than broad match?

For the traffic cost, broad match modifier was slightly cheaper (at $1.57 per click compared to $1.64 for the exact match) but had a much lower conversion rate.

What does a broad match search look like?

A broad match search is the “normal” and most common way of searching in Google. A broad match search for my example keyword looks like this: With this kind of search, we are asking Google to return pages that contain the words contained in the search phrase, as well as synonyms for those words in any order and any distribution.

Is there such a thing as an exact match?

If you are using Google as a search engine, there is no such thing as exact match and this is perhaps where some of the confusion about match types stems from. Exact match only exists as a search type from the perspective of keyword research (either for SEO or for PPC advertising).

How does Google do a phrase match search?

A phrase match search is performed by entering the search term in keywords. In the case of our example, it looks like this: You’ll see that the number of results found is now significantly lower. This is because for a phrase match search, Google will only return pages that contain the keyword exactly as you typed it in.

Which is Amazon PPC search feature does phrase match?

The key feature with phrase match is that it allows you to control word order. This will eliminate customer search terms that insert terms between the words in your phrase. However, it will still target search terms which include words before or after your keyword phrase, and it will still target variations of your phrase.