How do I change the author name on an existing comment?

How do I change the author name on an existing comment?

2 Methods to Change Author Names for Comments

  1. First and foremost, click “Review” tab.
  2. Then click “Track Change” in “Tracking” group.
  3. Next, click “Change User Name”.
  4. Now the “Word Options” dialog box will pop up. Make sure the “General” tab is displayed. Then change the user name and initials.
  5. Finally, click “OK”.

Why does Word change my name to author?

The replacement of reviewer names with “Author” occurs when the Document Inspector has been run on the document and told to remove document properties and personal information.

How do I fix the author in Word?

To fix the problem, make sure the affected document is the active document in Word, click File | Options | Trust Center | Trust Center Settings | Privacy Options, clear the “Remove personal information from file properties on save” and click OK twice.

What does author mean in Microsoft Word?

By default, the author of a document is set to the user name you entered when you installed Word. In the “Related People” section of the “Info” screen, notice that the user name from the “Summary” information is listed as the author.

How do I change my Microsoft Word name?

Change your user name and initials

  1. Click File > Options.
  2. In the Options dialog box, change your user name and initials in the Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office section.

How do I change the comment owner in word?

How to change the Author name on comments in Microsoft Word

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. Click Review in the toolbar.
  3. Click Track Changes.
  4. Click Markup Options.
  5. Select Preferences in the drop-down.
  6. Click Show All.
  7. Select Users Information.
  8. Change Name.

How to change the author name of a document?

Change the author name for new documents, presentations, and workbooks 1 Click File > Options. 2 Under Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office, type a new name in the User name box. 3 Make sure the Always use these values regardless of sign-in to Office check box is selected.

Where do I find the author name in word?

1 In new documents, the name that appears as the Author property (visible in the Document Information Panel) comes from the User name box in the Word Options dialog box. To see the Author property for a document, click the Microsoft Office Button , point to Prepare, and then click Properties.

How can I change the author of a commit?

The first step is to identify the last “good” commit and provide its hash to the rebase command: Your editor will open, requesting you to mark all the commits you want to change with the “edit” keyword. Git will now walk you through each commit, giving you the chance to mold it as you desire: Stopped at 5772b4bf2…

How do you change the default user name in word?

In an opened Word document, click File > Options. In the Word Options window, make sure you are locating in the General tab, change the name in the User name box as below screenshot shown, and finally click the OK button. Now you have changed the default user name for comments in Word document.