How do I customize my WooCommerce checkout?

How do I customize my WooCommerce checkout?

Setup and Configuration

  1. Go to: WooCommerce > Checkout Fields.
  2. There are three sets of Fields you can edit:
  3. Select the Add Field button.
  4. Enter your text and preferences.
  5. Save Changes.

How do I customize WooCommerce in WordPress?

To create a custom file, you’ll need to create a new directory in your child theme. This should be called woocommerce, and needs to be placed in wp-content/themes/yourthemename/. This will ensure that any changes you make will not be erased when you update WooCommerce or your parent theme.

How do I make WooCommerce checkout faster?

How to Speed Up WooCommerce

  1. Optimize WooCommerce Settings for Performance.
  2. Get a Fast WooCommerce Theme.
  3. Go Easy on Plugins and WooCommerce Extensions.
  4. Increase WordPress Memory Limit.
  5. Compress Images and Optimize Delivery.
  6. Deliver Static Resources via CDN.
  7. Strip Unused Scripts and Stylesheets.
  8. HTTP/2 is Extremely Essential.

Where does WooCommerce store orders?

WooCommerce orders are “custom post” they are stored in “wp_posts” under “post_type” -> “”shop_order” if you want to select shop orders with sql query you can do something like below.

How to accept PayPal in WooCommerce?

Login to your WooCommerce account and navigate to your admin panel

  • Go to Settings > Payments
  • next to PayPal
  • Click Connect to PayPal. You will be taken to your PayPal account or you will be able to set up a business account through the integrated signup flow.
  • your WooCommerce and PayPal accounts will be connected.
  • Does WooCommerce use cookies?

    WooCommerce requires cookies enabled in order to add products to the cart and complete checkout. If your visitors have cookies disbled, they won’t be able to make purchases in your store.

    Does WooCommerce come with SSL?

    Does WooCommerce come with SSL? Yes, but it requires some additional setup. You need to either set up SSL manually or find a hosting company that already has SSL set up. To be able to do this, you first need to obtain an SSL certificate to make WooCommerce come with SSL.