How do I disable my WordPress password?

How do I disable my WordPress password?

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Protect Passwords page to configure the plugin settings. Simply select the user roles or individual users to disable their password change or reset option. There is also an option to exempt individual users.

How do I disable my email password?

Click Internet options.

  1. Select the Content tab.
  2. In the AutoComplete section, click Settings.
  3. Remove the check mark next to Forms and User names and passwords on forms.
  4. Click Delete AutoComplete history….
  5. Tick the box next to Form data and Passwords.
  6. Confirm with Delete and then OK.

How to disable lost / changed password emails in WordPress?

By default, WordPress automatically sends email notification to admins when any other user resets their password using the lost password link. These emails can become annoying if you are running a site with many users. In this article, we will show you how to disable lost/changed password email notifications in WordPress.

Can you stop a WordPress website from sending emails?

Stop a WordPress website from sending any emails using the standard wp_mail () function. No emails will be sent, not even for password resets or administrator notifications.

How to disable default email notifications in WordPress?

Once this is done, this default WordPress notification should no longer be sent. Depending on your settings, because of how WordPress is set up, you may need to perform an extra step in order to override the New Comment and Comment Awaiting Moderation email notifications.

When do I need to Reset my WordPress password?

WordPress has changed the way it manages user passwords and by default WordPress now recommends strong passwords whenever you forget your password, create a new user or simply want to reset your password. To help create strong passwords, WordPress provides a generator in the Users > All Users dashboard, under Account Management.