How do I get a shortcode?
Where Do You Get an SMS Short Code? You can obtain a short code from an organization called the U.S. Short Code Administration. The U.S. Short Code Administration is the only governing body that has short codes, and it can lease them to brands.
Do I need a shortcode?
Short code numbers are a popular choice for high-volume A2P messaging. Short codes can send SMS at 100 MPS (message segments per second) by default, and this high throughput is perfect for applications needing to send time-sensitive messages to many users at once.
How much do shortcodes cost?
How much do short codes cost? In the United States, short codes can be leased for 3, 6 or 12 month terms. Dedicated short codes cost $1000 per month for a vanity or select short code, and $500 per month for non-vanity, random short codes.
What is short code vs Longcode?
With a limit of one message per second, long codes are used primarily for person-to-person communication. In contrast, SMS short codes can be used to send 40 messages per second and are typically used for high volume messaging like voting on TV shows. There is no such restriction in place for short codes.
How to respond to a short code for help?
Short code response: You are unsubscribed from {Campaign Name} {Description} Alerts. No more messages will be sent. Reply HELP for help or {toll free number}. Recipients of your text messages may be subscribed to multiple campaigns running off of one short code and may want to unsubscribe from a particular campaign.
Where can I find short code help and stop handling?
The complete industry standards for US short codes HELP and STOP handling can be found in the CTIA Short Code Monitoring Handbook. Notice: If you are using a short code with Messaging Services on Twilio, you can use Advanced Opt-Out to handle opt-outs instead of building your own system.
What are the standards for short code help?
The help source MUST either be a Toll-Free phone number or a support email address. Additional forms of help are allowed, but one OR the other of the above is required as a minimum.
Can a stop keyword be used on a short code?
Unlike on long codes, Twilio is not involved in managing opt-out requests made via the STOP keyword. This allows your short code application to independently manage subscription lists and requests from end users to re-opt in. If you are unsure of how to implement this with your short code, please reach out to your account manager!