Is there an API for Google Maps directions?

Is there an API for Google Maps directions?

For direction calculations that respond in real time to user input (for example, within a user interface element), you can use the Directions API or, if you’re using the Maps JavaScript API, use the Directions service. For server-side use, you can use Java Client, Python Client, Go Client and Node.js Client for Google Maps Services.

Is the Google roads API available for Java?

The Speed Limit service is available to all customers with an Asset Tracking license. For Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers who transitioned to pay-as-you-go pricing, the feature remains active. The Roads API is available with the Java Client, Python Client, Go Client and Node.js Client for Google Maps Services.

How to start developing with the directions API?

Start developing with the Directions API by setting up your Google Cloud project: For a list of all parameters when building your Directions API HTTP request: Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

What do you need to know about Google directions?

From Google Developer documentation (learn more about Direction API here ): · Origin — the address, textual latitude/longitude value, or place ID from which you wish to calculate directions. · Destination — the address, textual latitude/longitude value, or place ID to which you wish to calculate directions.

Is there a way to highlight railway lines?

So we have confirmed that Google Maps does not show railway lines. Google maps has potential but itx not there yet. Our automated system analyzes replies to choose the one that’s most likely to answer the question. If it seems to be helpful, we may eventually mark it as a Recommended Answer.

How to set up a JavaScript API for Google Maps?

Click the Select a project button, then select the same project you set up for the Maps JavaScript API and click Open. From the list of APIs on the Dashboard, look for Directions API. If you see the API in the list, you’re all set. If the API is not listed, enable it:

How many waypoints are allowed in the directions API?

The following usage limits and restrictions apply: The maximum number of waypoints allowed when using the Directions service in the Maps JavaScript API is 23, plus the origin and destination. For the Directions API web service, customers are allowed 23 waypoints, plus the origin, and destination.