What is platform independence layer?

What is platform independence layer?

Software that can run on a variety of hardware platforms or software architectures. For example, the Java programming language was designed to run on multiple types of hardware and multiple operating systems. …

What is meant by platform independence?

The meaning of platform-independent is that the java compiled code(byte code) can run on all operating systems. A program is written in a language that is a human-readable language. Therefore, a compiler is a program that translates the source code for another program from a programming language into executable code.

Why is platform independence important?

Platform independence is a desirable feature for software vendors because they invest a large amount of money developing a modern, sophisticated application so they don’t want to artificially cut out any market segment. They want to sell their baby to as many organizations as possible.

Is C++ platform dependent?

When a program is written and compiled in C/C++ language, the code is directly converted into machine readable language . i.e. when the program is compiled in windows OS .exe file can run only in windows OS and not on Unix OS. Therefore C/C++ programs are said to be platform dependent.

Why is C platform dependent?

C Compiler is platform dependent since it is closely linked to the OS kernel which is different for different OS. But over the years all OS’s come with pre-installed compilers and libraries that make it quite platform independent for basic programming.

Which is highly flexible and platform independent form?

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is one of the most popular and flexible of the current public domain raster file formats. TIFF is designed for raster data interchange. TIFF’s main strengths are a highly flexible and platform-independent format that is supported by numerous image-processing applications.

How best can you describe Platform independence?

Platform independence is a term that describes a technology (usually a ProgrammingLanguage or a FrameWork) that you can use to implement things on one machine and use them on another machine without (or with minimal) changes.

Is JVM independent of OS?

The JVM is not platform independent. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) provides the environment to execute the java file(. Class file). So at the end it’s depends on your kernel , and kernel is differ from OS (Operating System) to OS.

Why C is a procedural language?

C is an imperative procedural language. It was designed to be compiled to provide low-level access to memory and language constructs that map efficiently to machine instructions, all with minimal runtime support. Despite its low-level capabilities, the language was designed to encourage cross-platform programming.

Why is Python easy?

For newcomers and beginners, Python is incredibly easy to learn and use. In fact, it’s one of the most accessible programming languages available. Part of the reason is the simplified syntax with an emphasis on natural language. But it’s also because you can write Python code and execute it much faster.

Why Java is called Robust?

Java is robust because: It uses strong memory management. There is a lack of pointers that avoids security problems. Java provides automatic garbage collection which runs on the Java Virtual Machine to get rid of objects which are not being used by a Java application anymore.

What does it mean when C is platform dependent?

Yes, C is platform dependent. Platform dependent means code which we compile on one platform will not work or run on another platform. Where Platform is nothing but the combination of the operating system (OS) with a processor. The platform can be WIndows, Linux, MAC OS, etc.

What makes a language platform independent in C + +?

What makes a language, such as C++, “platform independent” is that it doesn’t rely upon language constructs that are heavily favored by a given CPU architecture. Assembly language, for example and in contrast, is quite specific to a CPU architecture and instruction set.

Which is the best definition of platform independent software?

Platform-independent Software that can run on a variety of hardware platforms or software architectures. Platform-independent software can be used in many different environments, requiring less planning and translation across an enterprise.

Why is the platform layer the highest priority?

The platform layer is the highest priority layer. It is critical for deploying images, especially for network devices. Whenever you update the infrastructure software, add a version to the platform layer. When you update the OS layer, the image sometimes has startup issues.