What can you do with vanilla JavaScript?

What can you do with vanilla JavaScript?

Projects You Can Build With Vanilla JavaScript.

  • Build a Weather App.
  • Build a Landing Page.
  • Build a Meditation App.
  • Build a Virtual Keyboard.
  • Build 15 JavaScript Projects — Vanilla JavaScript Course.
  • Ten JavaScript Projects in 10 Hours — Coding Challenge.
  • Learn JavaScript by Building 7 Games — Full Course.

How do you make a todo app in HTML?

To create these files run the following command:

  1. Syntax: $ touch index.html index.css index.js.
  2. Step 2: Now, add some CSS property to index. css file. * { padding : 0 ; margin : 0 ;
  3. Step 3: Edit index. js file and add some functionality. // Function called while clicking add button. function add_item() {
  4. Output:

Can I use ionic with vanilla JS?

This native browser API is the base of web components. It provides a native way of creating reusable components using vanilla JavaScript with HTML and CSS. Thanks to Custom Elements, we can re-use Ionic UI components in modern web browsers natively without any frameworks or run-times.

Should I learn vanilla JavaScript before react?

Just to make this clear: I’m NOT saying, that you need absolutely NO prior JavaScript knowledge before diving into frameworks like Angular, React or Vue. But I don’t agree with people who say that you need to have thorough and detailed JavaScript knowledge before you explore those frameworks.

How do you make a todo?

Here’s what you need to know to make your to-do list work for you.

  1. Choose the Right App (or Paper)
  2. Make More Than One List.
  3. Write Down Your Tasks as Soon as You Think of Them.
  4. Assign Due Dates.
  5. Revise Your To-Do Lists Daily.
  6. Limit Yourself to 3–5 Tasks Daily.
  7. Put Tasks on Your To-Do List, Not Goals.

Can I use ionic without angular?

4 Answers. “Ionic currently requires AngularJS in order to work at its full potential. While you can still use the CSS portion of the framework, you’ll miss out on powerful UI interactions, gestures, animations, and other things. In the future we’d like to expand beyond Angular to support other frameworks.”

Can I use JavaScript in ionic?

You can seamlessly use TypeScript or JavaScript with Ionic Vue which adds to the flexibility of the framework and its overall simplicity. From there, follow this tutorial to learn the fundamentals of Ionic app development by creating a real app step by step.

How to build a to do list app with vanilla JavaScript?

Building a To-do List App with vanilla JavaScript. So you are at that phase where you’ve learnt some HTML, CSS and JavaScript and you are wondering what to do with it?

How to build a single page application with vanilla.js?

This code in the constructor sets up the HTML DOM: If there is a

How to build a to do app with JavaScript?

In this tutorial, we’ll enhance our front-end skills by learning to build a “handmade” to-do app. To create it, we won’t take advantage of any JavaScript frameworks; we’ll just use HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript.

Where can I find the source code for vanilla.js?

You can run and install the application (it is a Progressive Web App or PWA) here: The source code repository is available here: If you open index.html you’ll notice a script is included with a special type of “module”: