Why does it say invalid sim on my iPhone?

Why does it say invalid sim on my iPhone?

Your iPhone may say Invalid SIM if there’s software error within the cellular settings. You’ll have to reenter them after resetting your iPhone. To reset your iPhone’s network settings, go to Settings -> General -> Reset -> Reset Network Settings. You’ll have to enter your iPhone passcode, then confirm the reset.

Why does my phone suddenly say invalid SIM?

There are many reasons why a SIM card is invalid or cannot be detected by the mobile device. First, there might be issues with the SIM card itself. The chip may be damaged or not fitted well to its dedicated slot. For example, your device is running a very old version of Android or iOS or has problematic apps.

Can SIM card go bad on iPhone?

Of course, like any electronic device from a hard drive to an SSD device to a cpu to anything else, any SIM can go bad for a whole host of reasons, and it could do so at any time. A virus seems highly unlikely since an iPhone or iPad write no data at all to the SIM card.

What does it mean if you have an invalid SIM?

If you see the “Invalid SIM” or “No SIM” message, it could mean that you’re trying to use the iPhone without a carrier and a plan. If that’s the case, then most of the device’s functionality is going to be compromised.

How do you know if your iPhone SIM card is damaged?

You can tell if your iPhone has water damage by removing the SIM tray and looking for a red color inside the SIM card slot. If it’s red, that means the Liquid Contact Indicator (LCI) has been activated and there is water damage.

Why does my iPhone 6 say Sim not valid?

Verizon has told me that the iPhone is unlocked but then Apple says the phone is locked to Verizon. Again I am using two iPhone 6’s in Germany with Vodafone and o2 carriers, one iPhone accepts the SIM card and the other one does not. The one giving the error message “SIM Not Valid” does not even accept the Verizon Wireless SIM card.

What to do if your sim card is not valid?

1. Choose Language – English 2. Choose Region – United States 3. Choose Wi-Fi 4. Sim Not Valid! there is no other options, either go back or retry, and none has worked. I have done the Restore 5 times with and with out sim card and still same error,

Why is my sim free iPhone not working?

The SIM Free iPhone “appears” to be locked “internationally” when in reality it is an Apple server setting that essentially acts like an international lock.

Why is my sim card not working on my iPad?

If you use a SIM tray from a different model iPhone, iPad, or from another phone manufacturer, it might not fit properly. Try using another SIM card. If you don’t have one, go to your carrier’s retail store and ask them to test with another SIM card.