How do I convert open office to pages?

How do I convert open office to pages?

How to convert ODT to PAGES

  1. Upload ODT. Select files from Computer, URL, Google Drive, Dropbox or by dragging it on the page.
  2. Choose to PAGES. Choose PAGES or any other format you need as a result (more than 200 formats supported)
  3. Download your PAGES.

Can pages open OpenOffice files?

Working with files in a range of formats is an age-old problem in the office, but more often than not, the open source suite of applications offered by OpenOffice can handle any file. You can also use Pages to convert the file if you have access to that application.

What will open pages document?

Pages is the Apple version of Microsoft Word, and unfortunately trying to directly open a Pages file on a Windows 10 computer won’t work. In order to open a Pages file and actually be able to edit it on your Windows 10 computer, you’ll need to use a third-party app like CloudConvert to convert it.

How do I open an Office document on a Mac? is installed like most other Mac OSX applications:

  1. Get for Mac OSX.
  2. Open the downloaded disk image by clicking on it.
  3. Drag and drop the icon into the Applications folder or any other folder on your system.
  4. Start the application by clicking its icon in the Applications folder.

Are OpenOffice files compatible with Microsoft Word?

Re: Document Extensions compatible with Word The OpenOffice file formats are readable by versions of MS Office since about 2007. If you must save in MS Word format use the MS Word 97 option – see the image below.

Is OpenOffice part of Microsoft Word?

OpenOffice is a free, open-source alternative to Microsoft’s Office software suite. You can set Windows to edit OpenOffice files with Microsoft Word to make use of Word’s advanced features, such as integrating with Microsoft Excel and Access.

Is Word better than Pages?

Microsoft Word is universally available, more flexible on storage options, and offers more features out of the box. But at the same time, some may find it bloated. In that case, I would advise going for Pages and if that’s not the case with you, then go with Microsoft Word.

How to open pages documents with OpenOffice writer?

You can also use Pages to convert the file if you have access to that application. Navigate to the Zamzar home page (link in Resources). Click “Choose Files…” and select the Pages document you want to convert. Click the “Convert files to” drop-down menu and select “doc.” An error occurred. Click here to reload

How to convert a Doc to a pages file?

How to convert a DOC to a PAGES file? Choose the DOC file that you want to convert. Select PAGES as the the format you want to convert your DOC file to. Click “Convert” to convert your DOC file.

How to change Apple Pages to OpenOffice procedure?

Those that were NOT requiring future editing were changed to a PDF format through the print dialog drop down and refiled. Those needing editing down the line were simply (restructured) as a new file in OO by copying the text into a new document and simply inserting imaging where required.

Can you open Apple Pages in Microsoft Office?

They all carry the .pages extension of course. Open Office won’t open them using the .pages extension and I really don’t want to have to change each file to Microsoft Office if I can avoid doing that. (Many files involved)