Why is it important to you as an aircraft mechanic to know what to inspect in the aircraft before and after the flight?

Why is it important to you as an aircraft mechanic to know what to inspect in the aircraft before and after the flight?

The aircraft inspection process is key to the proper performance and airworthiness of any aircraft. Without proper inspections, aircraft are like to run with less effectiveness and to have components and parts that wear down easily and break down in a jam.

What are the 5 hazardous attitudes?

The FAA has identified 5 Hazardous Attitudes that afflict pilots: macho, impulsivity, resignation, invulnerability, and anti-authority.

What provides assistance to pilots when trying to identifying risks?

Examining National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reports and other accident research can help a pilot learn to assess risk more effectively.

Why is so important to repair aircraft damage immediately?

The satisfactory performance of an aircraft requires continuous maintenance of aircraft structural integrity. It is important that metal structural repairs be made according to the best available techniques because improper repair techniques can pose an immediate or potential danger.

What is the importance of maintaining aircraft?

Regular maintenance will extend aircraft life and ensure that aircraft will perform safely for the expected period of time. In order to effectively take preventative measures, aircraft should undergo different levels of inspection through an aircraft maintenance schedule.

What is the best antidote for hazardous attitudes?

Five Hazardous Attitudes

Name Description Antidote
Impulsivity “Do something quickly!” Not so fast-Think first!
Invulnerability “It won’t happen to me….” It could happen to me!
Macho “I can do it.” Taking chances is foolish.
Resignation “What’s the use?” I’m not helpless.

What is a macho attitude?

The definition of macho is an overly assertive man who shows excessive pride in his manliness. Walking around flexing your big muscles all the time and talking about what a big strong man you are is an example of macho behavior. An overly assertive, virile, and domineering man.

What is the 3 P model?

The 3P learning model reflects the nature of learning and knowledge as being personal, social, distributed, ubiquitous, flexible, dynamic, and complex in nature. The 3P learning model includes three major elements: Personalization, Participation and Knowledge-Pull.

What can help a pilot mitigate stress?

The best way to reduce stress is to:

  • Learn to recognize the symptoms.
  • Prepare and plan by maintaining currency and proficiency through regular training.
  • Take care of the physical aspect: food, sleep and exercise.
  • Keep workload under control, communicate and ask for help.

What happens if you don’t comply with FAA regulations?

A. Passenger Noncompliance. Passenger noncompliance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) safety regulations could result in interference with a crewmember. Certain passenger actions may be in noncompliance with 14 CFR part 121and may also be a criminal violation under Title 49 of the United States Code (49 U.S.C.) § 46318(a).

Where do you place a placard on an airplane?

A placard is to be affixed to the aircraft displaying the maximum takeoff weight. When applicable, a placard is to be affixed to the aircraft displaying the maneuvering loads.

Where are the warning and danger placards affixed?

Placards and labels are to be affixed on the aircraft exterior so they can be seen by first responders at accident and incident sites. The warning and danger placards are to have a reflective background material for enhanced visibility in low light or obscured conditions.

When to report alcohol disturbances to the FAA?

Part 121requires air carriers to report passenger disturbances associated with alcohol within 5 days. Due to safety implications, 14 CFR part 135air carriers should also report these disturbances to the FAA within 5 days. The appropriate air carrier manuals should contain the crewmember procedures used to report these occurrences.