Can you fly a light-sport aircraft with a Private Pilot license?

Can you fly a light-sport aircraft with a Private Pilot license?

You should know that any current private pilot may fly a light-sport aircraft (LSA) they are qualified for without a FAA medical but using their drivers license as medical eligibility. To be a “current pilot” you need a biennial flight review (flight review every 2 years) same as all pilots need to be current.

What is the difference between a Private Pilot license and a sport pilot license?

One of the biggest differences between the sport pilot and private pilot license is the number of hours required to obtain each license. The Sport Pilot license only requires 20 hours of training while the Private Pilot license requires a minimum of 40 hours of training.

How do I get my sport pilot license?

How do I get a sport pilot license?

  1. Be sure you meet the requirements.
  2. Apply for a student pilot certificate.
  3. Get your 3rd class medical certificate (if necessary)
  4. Complete ground training.
  5. Take and pass your FAA written exam.
  6. Flight training.
  7. Check ride.

What planes can you fly with a private pilot license?

But there’s no limit on the type of plane a private pilot can fly as long as they meet the ratings on your license. If you are rated to fly single-engine land airplanes, you can fly any of them, so long as they are less than 12,500 pounds and not turbine powered.

How long is a sport pilot license good for?

A student pilot certificate is valid for 24 calendar months and a third class medical could be valid for up to 36 months, depending on your age at the time of your AME visit.

Can private pilots fly at night?

As long as you have undergone the required flight training, you can fly at night with a private pilot license. Flying by moonlight is very different than flying during the day, but can be even more breathtaking and peaceful.

What are the rules for a private pilot test?

You should study the materials identified by your flight instructor or included in a home-study course. For the recreational pilot test, the materials are based on section 61.97 of FAA’s rules. For the private pilot test, the materials are based on section 61.105 of FAA’s rules.

Can a sport pilot instructor get a private pilot license?

If the instructor only holds a sport pilot instructor certificate, none of those hours count towards the 20 hours of dual required for the private pilots license. If the instructor is a CFI-A then all of the hours will directly transfer to the dual requirements of the private pilot license.

How can I upgrade my sport pilot certificate to private?

If you hold a Sport Pilot certificate and are looking to upgrade it to a Private Pilot certificate, your best bet is to use the requirements of Part 61 Subpart E. All of the flight time you logged earning a Sport Pilot certificate applies towards Private, but additional hours and types of flight time need to be logged.

How many hours do you have to fly to get a sport pilot certificate?

All of the flight time you logged earning a Sport Pilot certificate applies towards Private, but additional hours and types of flight time need to be logged. The requirements for each are paraphrased below. You’d have to log the difference, which is a minimum of 20 hours, including another 5 hours of dual and 5 hours of solo.