What type of turns should be made while holding?

What type of turns should be made while holding?

A standard holding pattern uses right-hand turns and takes approximately 4 minutes to complete (one minute for each 180-degree turn, and two one-minute straight ahead sections).

What does MOCA mean in aviation?

Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude (MOCA). The MOCA is the lowest published altitude in effect between radio fixes on VOR airways, off-airway routes, or route segments that meets obstacle clearance requirements for the entire route segment.

How much clearance does a MOCA give you?


Terrain Elevation Obstacle Clearance
3000 ft – 5000 ft (900 m – 1500 m) 1500 ft (450 m)
Greater than 5000 ft (1500 m) 2000 ft (600 m)

What does it mean to be in a holding pattern?

At the end I provide my trick for entering the holding pattern. Holding Pattern – the usually oval course flown by aircraft awaiting further clearance. Hold Procedure (FAA Pilot/Controller Glossary) -a predetermined maneuver which keeps aircraft within a specified airspace while awaiting further clearance from air traffic control

How does an airplane hold in a holding pattern?

Airplanes can’t simply stop in traffic like cars, when there are delays, ATC will instruct airplanes to hold (orbit) over defined points (NAVAID, intersection, fix) etc. Corse reversal (you need to turn around to align with an approach). How fast can we fly in the holding pattern?

How does a correction orbit work in a holding pattern?

Correction orbits apply the correction factors determined on the previous orbit to the outbound leg of the holding pattern When outbound, triple the inbound drift correction to avoid major turning adjustments; e.g., if correcting left by 8 degrees when inbound, correct right by 24 degrees when outbound

What is the entry procedure for a non-standard holding pattern?

Entry procedures to a non-standard holding pattern requiring left turns are oriented in relation to the 70˚ line on the holding side,just as in the standard pattern. Thus the corresponding entry procedure diagram for a non-standard holding pattern is a mirror image of that for the standard pattern.