What date is the next palindrome?

What date is the next palindrome?

If we follow the DD/MM/YYYY format for dates, we will find that today’s date is a palindrome. Palindrome means when you read forwards and backward, it is the same. Accordinglt, today’s date is 12/02/2021 and therefore, it is palindrome date of 2021. The next such palindrome will come next year on 22/02/2022.

How do I get a next palindrome number?

To convert to palindrome, we can either take the mirror of its left side or take mirror of its right side. However, if we take the mirror of the right side, then the palindrome so formed is not guaranteed to be next larger palindrome. So, we must take the mirror of left side and copy it to right side.

Is a palindrome date Lucky?

Some cultures believe palindrome dates to be lucky. Which is why many people choose these dates for wedding celebrations. It also looks attractive to have the unique pattern of numbers appear on an invitation that’s a lifetime keepsake; dates such as 02.02. 2020 or 11/11/11 were very popular dates for nuptials!

How to find the next palindrome of a number?

There should actually be a constant-time (well it is linear on the number of digits of the input) way to find the next largest palindrome. I will give an algorithm that assumes the number is an even number of digits long (but can be extended to an odd number of digits). Find the decimal representation of the input number (“2133”).

When was the last time there was a palindrome week?

For example, every year since 2011 has had 10 consecutive Palindrome Days. The month in which this happens always corresponds to the last digit of the year. In 2011, the Palindrome Week ran from January 10, 2011 (1-10-11) to January 19, 2011 (1-19-11). In 2012, the same sequence of dates occurred in February.

Can a palindrome day be read backward or forward?

A Palindrome Day happens when the day’s date can be read the same way backward and forward. The dates are similar to word palindromes in that they are reversible. Depending on the date format Palindrome Days can be rare.

When does a 10 day palindrome start in 2021?

Nineteen of them are five-digit palindromes – which occur in January and December, see dates below; Two are six-digit palindromes – which also occur in December, see dates below. Wednesday, January 20, 2021, marks the beginning of a 10-day palindrome stretch.