What is collector current in transistor?

What is collector current in transistor?

So for a bipolar NPN transistor to conduct the Collector is always more positive with respect to both the Base and the Emitter. The current in a bipolar NPN transistor is the ratio of these two currents ( Ic/Ib ), called the DC Current Gain of the device and is given the symbol of hfe or nowadays Beta, ( β ).

What is collector current and base current?

Generally, the current that flows from the emitter to the collector or vice versa is the base current times the DC current gain (hFE). However, the collector current (IC) is 40 mA at a VCE of 0.15 V (point B), at which the DC current gain is calculated to be 80.

What is the maximum collector current?

The maximum collector current is normally rated to be the current at which the DC current gain (hFE) falls to 50% of its maximum value. In the case of a transistor by itself, the maximum base current is normally rated to be 1 / 3 the collector current.

Is emitter current equal to collector current?

In any configuration biased in the linear region, collector current is almost equal to emitter current. This is because of the large current gain of a bipolar transistor. So very little base current causes a very large collector to emitter current.

What controls the collector current?

collector current will also be high resulting in the base current controlling the collector current. One of the most important properties of the Bipolar Junction Transistor is that a small base current can control a much larger collector current.

What is continuous collector current?

2.4.2. Continuous collector current rating (IC) Nominal continuous collector current (IC) can flow through the device while the case temperature (TC) is held at the specified level, with the junction temperature rising to its maximum ratings due to the dissipated power of the device.

How do you find the maximum collector current?

2) When it is saturated the collector voltage will be about +0.6V so the 10k collector resistor will have 5.6V across it. 3) Then the max collector current in this circuit is 5.6V/10k= 0.56mA.

Why collector current is equal to emitter current?

The base contains more holes than electrons. As the direction of current is opposite to the flow of electrons we can understand that current from the emitter is conducted to the base and the collector. Hence, the collector current will always be slightly less than the emitter current.

How is the collector current related to the transistor current?

Collector Current Normal transistor actionresults in a collector-to-emitter current which is about 99% of the total current. The usual symbols used to express the transistor current relationships are shown. The proportionality β can take values in the range 20 to 200 and is not a constant even for a given transistor.

Where is the current collector in a battery?

Those for overhead wires are roof-mounted devices, those for third rails are mounted on the bogies. Current collectors are also electric bridging components that collect electrical current generated at the electrodes of electrochemical devices, such as lithium-class battery cells, and connect with external circuits.

How many Ma does a collector current have?

* An on-state collector current that varies from 1 (min) to 6 mA (max). After the first base current is set, the collector voltage is swept while the collector current is measured. Encyclopedia browser ?

What kind of wire is the current collector?

The current collection device presses against the underside of the lowest wire of an overhead line system, which is called a contact wire. Most overhead supply systems are either DC or single phase AC, using a single wire with return through the grounded running rails.