What is the condition of NAND gate?

What is the condition of NAND gate?

In digital electronics, a NAND gate (NOT-AND) is a logic gate which produces an output which is false only if all its inputs are true; thus its output is complement to that of an AND gate. A LOW (0) output results only if all the inputs to the gate are HIGH (1); if any input is LOW (0), a HIGH (1) output results.

How do I get NOT gate from NAND gate?

NOT: You can create a NOT gate from a NAND gate simply by tying the two inputs of the NAND gate together. Because the two inputs of the NAND gate are tied together, only two input combinations are possible: both HIGH or both LOW. If both inputs are HIGH, the NAND gate will output a LOW.

HOW CAN MAKE OR gate using NAND gate?

A NAND gate is the same as an OR gate whose inputs have been inverted. Thus, to create an OR gate by using NAND gates, you invert the two inputs with NAND gates configured as inverters (that is, with their inputs wired together). The output from these inverters is sent to the inputs of the third NAND gate.

How many NAND gates are required for NOR gate?

To make a NOR gate perform the NAND function, we must invert all inputs to the NOR gate as well as the NOR gate’s output. For a two-input gate, this requires three more NOR gates connected as inverters.

Can we convert OR gate to gate?

It is still possible to create an OR function from an AND / NAND gate and inverters, or an AND gate from a NOR / OR function. The diagram below gives some of the conversions. As an example it can be seen that a NOR gate is the same as an AND gate with two inverters on the input.

What is the use of NAND gate?

What are NAND gates used for? NAND gates help detect if a single input to a digital system has gone low. For example, a simple security system consisting only of NAND gates could be used to monitor the status of sensors connected to windows and/or doors.

When does a NAND gate have no power?

A NAND Gate gives a powered output when both its inputs are Disabled (False). Here, both inputs are connected to a switch which is off, which produces no power. Since there is no power to the logic gate, it can’t produce the expected result, which should be powered.

How does a NOR OR NOT gate work?

A NOR Gate (Not Or) for example, will work when the inputs are [0,2] or [2,0] or [2,2] but not [0,0] as it would be unpowered. Logic gates work by checking the last device’s output. This is contrary to how you might expect power to behave as flowing or propagating from one connection to the next.

How do I get the not, NOR AND XNOR logic gates to work?

Logic dictates this can be accomplished with an XNOR Gate. (Equivalent to an XOR Gate followed by a NOT Gate) You may already see the problem here; the fourth result works as expected, but in-game if you used switches that were turned off to try create the first result, the gate will have no power.

Can a XOR gate be unpowered by itself?

ADDENDUM: Practically the same result can be achieved with an XOR Gate by itself, with the caveat that output is true when the inputs don’t match, and inputs of [0,0] would of course result in the gate being unpowered. This isn’t an issue for a simple door or light, but may cause problems in more complex circuits.