Why does the I2C bus have a lower speed?

Why does the I2C bus have a lower speed?

As a consequence a master set to clock at 100 kHz will most likely produce a lower speed on the bus. As the impact of electrical latency increases with higher clock rates this effect shows more with higher speeds. The I2C bus is intended for inter-IC communication and this usually means small data packets.

Can a clock stretching device be connected to the I2C bus?

Note: The I2C specification does not specify any timeout conditions for clock stretching, i.e. any device can hold down SCL as long as it likes. Several I2C multi-masters can be connected to the same I2C bus and operate concurrently.

How are master and slave devices connected in I2C?

All I2C master and slave devices are connected with only those two wires. Each device can be a transmitter, a receiver or both. Some devices are masters – they generate bus clock and initiate communication on the bus, other devices are slaves and respond to the commands on the bus.

How is open drain used in I2C communication?

I2C uses an open-drain/open-collector with an input buffer on the same line, which allows a single data line. to be used for bidirectional data flow. 1.1 Open-Drain for Bidirectional Communication. Open-drain refers to a type of output which can either pull the bus down to a voltage (ground, in most.

Which is better bit bang or bit bang I2C?

Though SPI is typically simpler to bit-bang (especially in master mode) it can take a toll on the data rate, which was more important in my application. Thus I can use the dedicated MSSP for SPI, then bit-bang I2C on any two free GPIO pins.

Which is the highest baud rate in I2C?

I2C defines several speed grades but the term baud rate is quite unusual in this context. The speed grades (standard mode: 100 kbit/s, full speed: 400 kbit/s, fast mode: 1 mbit/s, high speed: 3,2 Mbit/s) are maximum ratings.

Why is there no line up in I2C?

No device ever holds a bus line up — it can only bring it down. This is because I2C uses an open-drain type of communication, meaning that instead of outputting a positive voltage for a logical 1 the device goes into a high-impedence (Hi-Z) state, effectively removing its pin from the bus.