Why line voltage and phase voltage are same in Delta Connection?

Why line voltage and phase voltage are same in Delta Connection?

Because each pair of line conductors is connected directly across a single winding in a Δ circuit, the line voltage will be equal to the phase voltage. Conversely, because each line conductor attaches at a node between two windings, the line current will be the vector sum of the two joining phase currents.

What is the relation between line voltage and phase voltage in Delta Connection?

Answer: As we know, in a delta connection (second figure), the line voltage and phase voltage are equal. While for a star connection line voltage is higher than phase voltage which is given by the relation: Vline = √3 Vphase.

What is the relationship between line and phase currents in a delta connected system?

In a delta system, the line current is greater than the phase current by the square root of 3, which is about 1.732). In a wye system, the line current equals the phase current. Line voltage — The voltage between any two line (ungrounded) conductors (A1 and A2 in Fig.

What system has the same voltage on phase and line?

In a delta system, the two points required to measure a line voltage also happen to be the same two points connected across the phase.

What is line current in Delta Connection?

Line current — The current on the ungrounded conductors (B1 and B2 in Fig. 6). In a delta system, the line current is greater than the phase current by the square root of 3, which is about 1.732). In a wye system, the line current equals the phase current.

What is line voltage in Delta Connection?

In a delta connected ( Dd ) group of transformers, the line voltage, VL is equal to the supply voltage, VL = VS. But the current in each phase winding is given as: 1/√3 × IL of the line current, where IL is the line current.

How do you find line current in Delta Connection?

Transformer Delta and Delta Connections In a delta connected ( Dd ) group of transformers, the line voltage, VL is equal to the supply voltage, VL = VS. But the current in each phase winding is given as: 1/√3 × IL of the line current, where IL is the line current.

How is phase voltage related to phase voltage in Delta Connection?

It is seen in fig 2 that there is only one phase winding between two terminals (i.e. there is one phase winding between two wires). Therefore, in Delta Connection, the voltage between (any pair of) two lines is equal to the phase voltage of the phase winding which is connected between two lines.

How is phase current related to line voltage?

While line current = phase current. In delta connection, all the three ends of the phases are connected to form a closed triangular loop, and it has no common neutral point as in a star connection. Here, the line and phase voltage are related as follows:

How to find the line current in Delta Connection?

In Delta Connection, The Line current is √3 times of Phase Current. Similarly, we can find the reaming two Line currents as same as above. i.e., I2 = IY – IR … Vector Difference = √3 IPH I3 = IB – IY … Vector difference = √3 IPH As, all the Line current are equal in magnitude i.e.

How many voltage sources are in a three phase connection?

Three-phase “Y” connection has three voltage sources connected to a common point. If we draw a circuit showing each voltage source to be a coil of wire (alternator or transformer winding) and do some slight rearranging, the “Y” configuration becomes more obvious in Figure below. Three-phase,…