Does a 12 light bar need a relay?

Does a 12 light bar need a relay?

A relay is an electrical switch that lets a low current circuit control a high current circuit such as a large LED light bar. If you are using a light pod that does not have a very large amp draw, you may not need a relay switch, but if you are using a larger LED light bar, they are a must have.

What kind of relay do I need for LED light bar?

MICTUNING 12V 40A relay is a great replacement for light bar and suitable for most LED light bar wiring harness kit.

Why do I need a relay for light bar?

Relays can be used to switch a low-current trigger to high current, switch a circuit on or off, reverse polarity, and much more. When adding LED lights, such as off-road light bars, driving/work lights, or other auxiliary lights to a vehicle, you must add a circuit to power the light adequately.

How many light bars can you run on one relay?

Most off the shelf relays are rated to either 30 or 40 amps, as long as the 2 lights don’t exceed the rating for the relay, you can use one relay for both lights and one switch for the relay. If you have more pull, then use 2 relays and have your single switch control them both at the same time.

Do I need a relay for a small LED light bar?

So in short if you do not properly wire the light bar to a battery and use a correct amperage switch which will keep the light bar on it’s own independent circuit a relay is unnecessary. However if you tap into the high beams or another lower voltage switch then you will need a relay to avoid an electrical fire.

What size fuse should I use for my light bar?

A 10 amp fuse will protect the circuit. The 16 gauge wire will handle 10 amps in the length of wire that you will be using. The switch is rated for 20 amps. So, the 10 amp fuse will protect the circuit from overload.

Can you run 2 light bars one harness?

If the total of your lights is more than one harness or DT plug can handle, then you will need to run a harness for each light. Hopefully, with either of these solutions, you will be able to get your driving lights and light bars sharing the same button – or combine a few work lights together to the same harness.

How do you wire multiple lights to one relay?

You need a completely separate circuit for the new lights. Start with a fuse holder at the battery, run a new wire to a new relay, then wire your lights. Just like the existing set. You can run more than one relay off of the same switch though.

What is the yellow wire for on a LED light bar?

If you want to have your light bar to turn off when the key is turned off, wire the “hot” into the middle yellow wire. If you like to “light ’em up whenever and wherever you want”…….

Why do you need a relay switch on a light bar?

Having a relay switch is essential if you are wiring up a light bar that has a very large amp draw at all. In this guide, we’ll explain what a relay switch is, why you need one, and how to wire one up yourself. What is a Relay Switch and Why do I Need One?

What size fuse or relay do you have for your light bar?

I hear you can use a relay but I am not familiar with them or how to hook them up. Does anyone have pics or explain how to hook them up? I am installing a 30″ light bar and trying to figure out the best way to wire it up. I have a 6 station fuse block I was planning on using, not sure what size fuse to use.

How to wire a relay for off-road LED lights?

Let’s say you want have your LED Light Bar come on with your high beams, or reverse lights, for example. Read more about that below. The relay will have 4 prongs on it, marked 30, 87, 85 and 86. Kind of cryptic isn’t it.

How many amps does a LED light bar have?

LED Light bar, that has an amp draw of about 17.2 amps, which may be too much for that little switch to handle. As a result, you could end up overheating the switch, melting the wires, and reducing the current that is getting to your lights, making them not as bright.