How to generate a random vector for a direction?

How to generate a random vector for a direction?

Assuming you already have an initial direction vector prepared, as per DMGregory’s comment on the OP: Generate a random float that will represent the angle to change the direction by. Since the angle should be constrained to a 90 degree arc “forward” of the initial direction, we restrain the range of the random value to be from -45 to 45 :

How do I get a random street view?

Click the button to show a random Street View from somewhere in the world. Choose the countries from a list in the panel, or click the button to select using a map. Street Views will then be shown from the area you see in the map.

How to create a random rotation axis in Unity?

Cross product with your current direction vector to create a rotation axis. Generate a random value in your -45 to 45 degree range (radians usually I do!) Depending on your flavour, I usually generate a matrix with the angle and the rotation matrix. Multiply your direction vector with said matrix.

Which is the best way to create a rotation axis?

Firstly, generate a random non 0 length vector. Normalise it. Cross product with your current direction vector to create a rotation axis. Generate a random value in your -45 to 45 degree range (radians usually I do!) Depending on your flavour, I usually generate a matrix with the angle and the rotation matrix.

How to generate a random direction within a cone?

So you now have two mutually orthogonal unit vectors u, v, both of them orthogonal to the given axis a of the cone, where | a | = 1. The random unit vector within the cone will be a vector x of the form θ a .

What does it mean when a vector is rotated 240 degrees?

This means that the tail of the vector was pinned down and the vector was rotated an angle of 240 degrees in the counterclockwise direction beginning from due east. A rotation of 240 degrees is equivalent to rotating the vector through two quadrants (180 degrees) and then an additional 60 degrees into the third quadrant.

Which is the correct direction for a vector?

Vectors can be directed due East, due West, due South, and due North. But some vectors are directed northeast (at a 45 degree angle); and some vectors are even directed northeast, yet more north than east.