How does a Schottky barrier rectifier work?

How does a Schottky barrier rectifier work?

In this diode, connection created between metal and semiconductor to form Schottky barrier i.e. metal side performs as an anode and n-type semiconductor works as a cathode. The selection of the combination of the metal and semiconductor decides the forward voltage of the diode.

How Schottky diode is constructed?

Construction of Schottky Diode It is made of a metal and semiconductor forming unilateral junction. In N type semiconductor, decrease and increase of temperature doping concentration happens. Between the semiconductors–metal junctions, a depletion layer is formed known as Schottky barrier.

Why might a Schottky diode be preferred to a PN junction diode?

The schottky barrier diode has electrons as majority carriers on both sides of the junction. Thus there is no depletion layer formed near the junction. It give very less voltage drop across the junction. In other words the forward voltage drop (Vf) is less compared to normal PN junction type diodes.

What is the work function of a metal and which parameter of a Schottky diode is related to it?

Working of Schottky Diode The most important physical parameter of this Schottky diode is their fast switching rate and less forward voltage drop. It is a metal – semiconductor junction that does not have the capacity to store charges at their junction. The reason behind this is due to absence of depletion layer.

What are disadvantages of Shottky diode?

The use of metal makes the device costly.

  • The diode obtains a lower reverse breakdown voltage than that of a normal PN junction diode.
  • The sudden increase in the reverse breakdown current may damage the Schottky diode.
  • What are the rare applications for Schottky diodes?

    Clipping circuits. Clipper circuits and clamper circuits are commonly used in wave shaping applications.

  • Schottky diode is also called as blocking diode because it blocks the current flow in reverse direction; it can be used
  • Sample-and-hold circuits.
  • Power rectifier.
  • What is the breakdown voltage for Schottky diode?

    Reverse breakdown Voltage: The particular amount of reverse bias voltage after which the diode breaks down and start conducting in the reverse direction is called Reverse Breakdown Voltage. Reverse breakdown voltage for a Schottky diode is around 50 volts.

    What are Schottky barrier diodes (SBD)?

    A Schottky barrier diode (SBD) is a device in which a semiconductor and a metal such as molybdenum are bonded instead of a pn junction. In general, semiconductors in which metals are bonded to n-type layers have been commercialized.