How do you name a component design system?

How do you name a component design system?

The non-negotiable important factors in naming a component are: Consistency. Clarity. Meaning….Good practices:

  1. Separating words with hyphens or forward slashes.
  2. Following an “order of operations” type structure.
  3. Using lowercase letters only.

How do you name a component in react?


  1. Extensions: Use .
  2. Filename: Use PascalCase for filenames.
  3. Reference Naming: Use PascalCase for React components and camelCase for their instances.
  4. Component Naming: Use the filename as the component name.

How do you create an effective naming convention?

A name should be simple yet still be meaningful to system administrators, system support, and operations. The standard needs to be consistent. Once set, the name should not change. Avoid special characters; only use alphanumeric characters.

How do you name a system?

Quick tips for picking a name that sticks

  1. Be creative. Names that are catchy and fun are easier to remember.
  2. Be realistic. Names that fit the purpose of the system set clear expectations.
  3. Be memorable. Names that are easy to remember encourage frequency of use.
  4. Be simple. Names that are confusing will turn users away.

Why do we use naming conventions?

Why use naming conventions? Naming records consistently, logically and in a predictable way will distinguish similar records from one another at a glance, and by doing so will facilitate the storage and retrieval of records, which will enable users to browse file names more effectively and efficiently.

How do you call a component in React JS?

Invoking the External Component’s Method

  1. 1handleButtonClicked() { 2 this. props. updateMessage(this. state. message); 3} javascript.
  2. 1 jsx.
  3. 1 2 Save Message 3 jsx.

How do you find functional component props?

React: How To Access Props In A Functional Component

  1. class Parent extends React.Component { render () { return(
  2. // Class component. class Parent extends React.Component { render () {
  3. const Child = (props) => { return (
  4. const Child = (props) => { return (

How are the parts of a component named?

The head , feet, and arms are all elements within the component. They may be seen as child components, i.e. children of the overall parent component. Using the BEM naming convention, element class names are derived by adding two underscores, followed by the element name.

What are the naming conventions of a design system?

Let’s get into the best practices for naming conventions. Design systems have two categories: perceptual patterns and functional patterns. Every design system component fits into one of the above two major categories, and many incorporate elements from multiple categories.

How does the naming convention work in react?

Here how our naming convention works (well). Which product owns this component? The domain basically refers to the product scope. In our case, when missing, this means that the component can be present in any product. It’s the case of the Sidebar or Navbar components.

What are the non negotiable factors in naming a component?

The non-negotiable important factors in naming a component are: The goal of implementing conventions is to make the element’s role in the design system obvious just from the name—meaning that, though iconsmallblue might make sense to you, it’s a disaster according to those three rules. Following an “order of operations” type structure.