Is there a dominant strategy in Rock Paper Scissors?

Is there a dominant strategy in Rock Paper Scissors?

Notice that playing rock is a dominant strategy for both players (i.e its best to choose rock, regardless of what your opponent is playing! Therefore, the equilibrium for this game is unique: Both players always select rock.

Does Rock Paper Scissors have pure strategy?

This strategy profile (Scissors, Rock) starts winning for Player B. But of course, you now switch to Paper. During these stretches of the game, Players A and B are employing what are known as “pure” strategies — a single strategy that is chosen and repeatedly executed.

How to play Rock Paper Scissors against a computer?

Write a program that lets the user play the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer. The program should work as follows. 1. When the program begins, a random number in the range of 1 through 3 is generated. If the number is 1, then the computer has chosen rock.

How many rounds are there in Rock Paper Scissors?

There will be 4 round (s). Rock can beat scissors, paper can beat rock and scissors can beat paper Input r for rock, the p for paper and s for scissors Input your choice: paper Machine played rock. You win this round.

What happens if one player chooses scissors or rock?

If one player chooses rock and the other player chooses scissors, then rock wins. (The rock smashes the scissors.) If one player chooses scissors and the other player chooses paper, then scissors wins. (Scissors cuts paper.) If one player chooses paper and the other player chooses rock, then paper wins.

Who is the winner of Rock Paper Scissors?

If one player chooses scissors and the other player chooses paper, then scissors wins. (Scissors cuts paper.) If one player chooses paper and the other player chooses rock, then paper wins. (Paper wraps rock.) If both players make the same choice, the game must be played again to determine the winner.