How do you use TIP122?

How do you use TIP122?

1 Answer

  1. Wire the Arduino PWM pin to the Base of the TIP122 through a 1kOhm, or at least 270 Ohm, resistor in series.
  2. Wire the TIP122 Emitter to Ground of the Arduino.
  3. Wire one lead of the motor to the positive side of your battery pack, the other lead to the Collector of the TIP122.

What is TIP122 used for?

Applications of TIP122 It is used to adjustment of high current loads such as 5 amperes. It is used as an average Power switch. It works where higher intensification is desirable. It used for velocity controller of Motors.

How to use a tip122 to control an Arduino?

Wire the Arduino PWM pin to the Base of the TIP122 through a 1kOhm, or at least 270 Ohm, resistor in series. Wire the TIP122 Emitter to Ground of the Arduino. Put a diode across the leads of the motor, perhaps a 1N4007, wired reverse biased (cathode towards battery positive in previous point).

How does a tip122 Darlington transistor dissipate power?

So the transistor will dissipate Power = V x I = 1V x 3A = 3 Watt. If you use eg a TO220 package you will need a modest heatsink. If you use a surface mount package you may need to check heat sinking issues. Your circuit should look like the diagram below.

What is the minimum base current for tip?

But since the TIP has a guaranteed current gain of 1000, you should assume the base current is 1/1000 of the load current. So if the load current is 1 A, then the minimum base current would be 1 mA. If the Collector current is expected to hit 3 A, then the minimum base current would need to be 3 mA.

What’s the minimum base current for a DC motor?

So if the load current is 1 A, then the minimum base current would be 1 mA. If the Collector current is expected to hit 3 A, then the minimum base current would need to be 3 mA. But as folks mentioned, we typically overdrive the base a little bit.