How do you solve an indeterminate structure?

How do you solve an indeterminate structure?

The following methods are used to solve indeterminate structures:

  1. Flexibility method.
  2. Slope deflection method.
  3. Moment distribution method.
  4. Direct stiffness method.

How do you find determinate and indeterminate structures?

This is determine by the following rule: If M + R = (2 * J), the truss is internally statically determinate. However, if M +R > 2 * J, the truss is internally statically indeterminate. This is where: M is the total number of members in the truss.

What makes a truss statically indeterminate?

For a planar truss to be statically determinate, the number of members plus the number of support reactions must not exceed the number of joints times 2. The number of members plus reactions is 15, which is larger than 2 times the number of joint. Therefore, this is a statically indeterminate truss.

Can a structure be stable and indeterminate?

A statically determinate structure is one that is stable and all unknown reactive forces can be determined from the equations of equilibrium alone. A statically indeterminate structure is one that is stable but contains more unknown forces than available equations of equilibrium.

What makes a problem statically indeterminate?

Statically indeterminate structures are structures that cannot be analyzed using statics, or equations of equilibrium only; they require other material properties. The degree of indeterminacy is the number of unknown reactions minus the number of equations of equilibrium.

Which is an example of an indeterminate structure?

Statically indeterminate structures are the ones where the independent reaction components, and/or internal forces cannot be obtained by using the equations of equilibrium only. To solve indeterminate systems, we must combine the concept of equilibrium with compatibility.

How are unknowns converted to a determinate structure?

• • Unknowns are usually displacements Coefficients of the unknowns are “Stiffness” coefficients. • Convert the indeterminate structure to a determinate one by removing some unknown forces / support reactions and replacing them with (assumed) known / unit forces.

How is the force method used in determinate structures?

• Force (Flexibility) Method For determinate structures, the force method allows us to find internal forces (using equilibrium i.e. based on Statics) irrespective of the material information. Material (stress -strain) relationships are needed only to calculate deflections.