What is meant by epicyclic gear train?

What is meant by epicyclic gear train?

Definition. An epicyclic gear train is a coaxial speed reducer or increaser stage comprised of a sun gear, planet gear(s), and a ring gear (Townsend 1992; Coy et al. 1985). The ratio attained from the gear train depends on the component that has its rotational motion constrained or controlled.

How do epicyclic gears work?

Epicyclic gearing also called as planetary gearing. It is a gear system that consists of one or more outer gear (planet gear) rotating about a central (sun gear). The planet gear carrier is driven by an input torque. The sun gear provides the output torque, while the ring gear is fixed.

What are the advantages of epicyclic gearing?

The advantages of planetary gearboxes: Coaxial arrangement of input shaft and output shaft. Load distribution to several planetary gears. High efficiency due to low rolling power. Almost unlimited transmission ratio options due to combination of several planet stages.

Where is a gear train used?

Gear trains are used in almost all machines which are dealing with the mechanical power. Some of the places where gear trains are used are engines, lathes, clocks, gear box and Differential of automobiles etc.

Where is epicyclic gear train used?

A gear train is made when a combination of gears in mesh are used to transmit motion. A frequent application of epicyclic gear trains is accomplishing a large speed reduction in a small space. A planetary or epicyclic gear train is one type of gear train used to transmit motion.

Where are epicyclic gear trains used?

Some of the common uses for planetary gear transmissions are robotic arms, hybrid vehicle power transmissions and turbine generators. Despite the advantages of epicyclic gear trains such as compact structure, lightweight and high power density, they may have relatively low efficiency compared to simple gear systems.

What does epicyclic gear mean?

epicyclic gear (Noun) a system of gears that has a central gear wheel around which others rotate , often within an outer ring How to pronounce epicyclic gear?

What does epicyclic train mean?

epicyclic train, epicyclic gear train (noun) a system of epicyclic gears in which at least one wheel axis itself revolves about another fixed axis

What are gears and gear trains?

Gears and Gear Trains. A gear is essentially a toothed wheel or cylinder that works in tandem with another gear (or gears) to transmit motion, or to change speed or direction. A gear train is a mechanical system formed by mounting gears on a frame so that the teeth of the gears engage.

What is planetary gear train?

planetary gear train. An assembly of meshed gears consisting of a central gear, a coaxial internal or ring gear, and one or more intermediate pinions supported on a revolving carrier.