How does a waterfall display work?

How does a waterfall display work?

Simply put, a Waterfall Display is when the side edges of a display are curved to such a degree that you can’t see any side edge bezel – it’s as if there’s a cliff edge and the screen is flooding off it, hence the name. Now, the concept of a curved screen isn’t new by any means.

What is a waterfall display?

More videos on YouTube. Share. Xiaomi has announced its latest phone concept: a “quad-curved waterfall display.” This means that the unnamed phone’s screen not only has deep 88-degree “waterfall” curves on the left and right sides, but on the top and bottom as well, leaving no room for ports or buttons.

What is a waterfall ham radio?

A waterfall display is a graphical representation of the signals across a frequency range, generally color-coded to indicate signal amplitude or strength, displayed over time.

What is waterfall FFT?

A waterfall plot is a three-dimensional plot in which multiple curves of data, typically spectra, are displayed simultaneously. The waterfall plot is often used to show how two-dimensional information changes over time or some other variable such as rpm.

How do you read a waterfall plot?

In general, waterfall plots go from the worst value, such as greatest progression of disease, on the left side of the plot, to the best value, i.e., most reduction of tumor, on the right side of the plot (Socinski et al, 2008); this can also be shown by shifting the graph to a similar presentation, moving from the …

Why are phones curved?

There’s more to it than just aesthetics. A curved display reduces the effective depth of a phone when you hold it, making it easier to tap buttons or keyboard keys with your thumbs, particularly on a 6.5-inch or larger handset.

What do you mean by waterfall?

A waterfall is a river or other body of water’s steep fall over a rocky ledge into a plunge pool below. Waterfalls are also called cascades. The process of erosion, the wearing away of earth, plays an important part in the formation of waterfalls. Often, waterfalls form as streams flow from soft rock to hard rock.

Does Ham Radio Deluxe have a waterfall?

Our waterfall is about 3000 Hz wide. Since BPSK has such a narrow bandwidth, the use of audio off-set frequencies can be used to display many BPSK signals on the waterfall at one time.

Can I listen to ham radio on my phone?

EchoLink. Available on both iOS and Android for free, the EchoLink app turns your smartphone into a HT, and allows you to access a network from your phone. You use the app to connect to the EchoLink system from a cellular or Wi-Fi connection, and then you can track your Ham connections wherever you like.

Where are waterfall charts used?

Waterfall Charts are used to visually illustrate how a starting value of something (say, a beginning monthly balance in a checking account) becomes a final value (such as the balance in the account at the end of the month) through a series of intermediate additions (deposits, transfers in) and subtractions (checks …

How do you plot a waterfall in Matlab?

waterfall( X , Y , Z ) creates a waterfall plot, which is a mesh plot with a partial curtain along the y dimension. This results in a “waterfall” effect. The function plots the values in matrix Z as heights above a grid in the xy-plane defined by X and Y . The edge colors vary according to the heights specified by Z .

What is a limitation of waterfall plots?

As stated previously, since each vertical plot represents a single patient, waterfall plots limit the ability to portray different randomization schemes, e.g., 2:1 or 3:1, in a manner that is readily illustrated and clearly comprehended.

What do the traces on a waterfall display look like?

Pictured in the image above is a number of signal traces. Since the above was taken across a frequency range where PSK31 is used, the signals are very narrow (only a few tens of Hz wide each), but it could easily cover a much larger frequency range “zoomed out” and still look basically the same.

Why do high end transceivers have water fall display?

High-end transceivers apparently come equipped with a water-fall display – something to do with improved spectrum visibility. This is supposed to lead to potentially higher QSO count and rate.

Is the waterfall methodology dead or still useful?

Research shows that 51% of organizations still use Waterfall, based on a 2017 report from the Project Management Institute. Despite the Waterfall methodology being very structured and straightforward, making it suitable for many product teams, some drawbacks render this methodology outdated.

How does the first phase of a waterfall system work?

The clear milestones delineated in the first phase make it easy to determine if a project is moving forward on schedule. Likewise, the discrete phases indicate how close a project is to overall completion at any given time, as the waterfall system does not allow for revisiting a prior phase.