How to customize the form configuration in Magento 2?

How to customize the form configuration in Magento 2?

Customizing the form config file (that is, declarative customization) is preferable for changes like introducing new fields, field sets and modals. To customize the product creation form, take the following steps: In your custom module, add an empty product_form.xml in the /view/adminhtml/ui_component/ directory.

How are new elements displayed in form configuration?

By default, the new elements (fields, field sets, modals, grids) which you add in the form configuration file, are displayed on the form whatever product is created; that is, for all product types. In the modifier class described further, you can set the conditions for displaying certain elements for certain product types.

How to create an instance of the form component?

To create an instance of the Form component, you need to do the following: Add a set of fields (the Fieldset component with the component of the Field) for entity or to implement the upload of meta info in the DataProvider. globally: using any module’s view/ui_component/etc/definition.xml file.

What does DataSource do in the Magento framework?

DataSource aggregates an object of class implements the interface \\Magento\\Framework\\View\\Element\\UiComponent\\DataProvider\\DataProviderInterface Data provided by data source is shared and available for all components in the Assembly (in this case for all child components of UI Form).

How to extend a schema in Magento 2?

The first step to retrieve a custom field in an existing query is to extend the appropriate schema object. In the following example, we will change the description of an existing field ( attribute_set_id) and add a new field ( attribute_set_name) to the GraphQL schema for the products query.

Where to find System.Xml file in Magento 2?

The following screenshot displays the Magento 2 System Configuration in the Admin backend. The red squares mark the different types that are defined in the system.xml file: Tabs are used to split different configuration areas semantically. Each tab can contain one or more sections, which can also be referenced as submenus.

How to add new fields in billing address form in Magento?

When the field is added to the billing address form, the Magento_Checkout/js/action/place-order or Magento_Checkout/js/action/set-payment-information component ’s behaviour need to be modified according to the time when you need the custom field valued to be passed to the server side.

How to solve Magento 2.2.7 admin page blank issue?

If you have recently upgraded or installed the latest version and face the Magento 2.2.7 and 2.3 admin page blank issue as shown below, follow the solution given in the post. Navigate to: /vendor/magento/framework/View/Element/Template/File/Validator.php:113

Who is responsible for Magento 2 admin panel?

Magento 2 CMS is a suitable platform to run E-commerce business and it can be administered via admin panel. Admin is responsible for the functionalities of the store and any error in the admin panel is not acceptable.