How to stop spam registrations in Magento 2?
Website registration and login are the very first step where the mobile number verification is required to identify and authenticate the real users. You can mandate the customers to verify the mobile number with OTP using Magento 2 Mobile Login extension to withstand store security. 3. Use of social media accounts for verification
Which is the best Google reCAPTCHA for Magento 2?
I recommend using Magento 2 Google reCAPTCHA v3 in your stores which auto checks human activities without having them solve quizzes and check “I’m not a robot” button. It protects your Magento 2 stores against spams, bots, and automated abuse.
Where do I enable CAPTCHA in Magento 2?
The tasks offered by captcha to select images or type text are usually hard for bots. The default Magento 2 allows to enable the captcha from Stores > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > CAPTCHA > Forms. However, with advanced programming, captcha can be easily bypassed.
What is the use of CAPTCHA in Magento 2?
The use of captcha enables to identify the difference between human and bots. The tasks offered by captcha to select images or type text are usually hard for bots. The default Magento 2 allows to enable the captcha from Stores > Configuration > Customers > Customer Configuration > CAPTCHA > Forms.
Why is my Gmail store marked as spam?
Your store may be marked spam due to such unwanted emails and if done on large scale, Gmail may blacklist you, hence your newsletter will not be delivered to subscribers. There are many other reasons too for spam registration such as gather your email address and send you spam emails.