Why do you need to know the address of a customer?

Why do you need to know the address of a customer?

You could introduce a flag on address that signals if an address is for shipment or bill, etc. Or you store the different address types in different tables and have multiple to-one relationships on a customer. In cases where you only need to know one address of a customer why would you model that to-many?

How to find my address line 1-quora?

Address Line 1 is probably all you need to fill out. Here’s a couple of examples of how to fill it out: The number is always on buildings or the compounds you stay at for example 31, Kipande Rd Nairobi or 54 Kenyatta avenue Nairobi or 12 5th parklands Avenue Nairobi.

Are there two lines above the address line?

Some addresses have two lines of information above the town, though the majority only have one. If the address is: 6 Town Street, Walmington-on-Sea, Barsetshire there is no line 2.

What does the first line of an address mean?

Lines are meant to organise the address when its written so it wont look messy and long. So every line will be separately. LINE 1 : house/flat no, building name, street name/number.

Who is a customer in BigCommerce customer management API?

A customer is anyone who makes a purchase on a store and creates an account. BigCommerce stores an email address, customer address, and name against the customer as a record. There are two APIs you can use to manipulate customer data.

How to log in with customer login API?

Be sure to set the Customers Login scope to Login. To log a customer into their storefront account using the Customer Login API, your app needs to redirect the customer’s browser to the following access point URL: https://storedomain.com/login/token/ {token}.

Which is the best way to model a customer?

Every Customer has a physical address and an optional mailing address. What is your preferred way to model this? Option 1. Customer has foreign key to Address Option 2. Customer has one-to-many relationship to Address, which contains a field to describe the address type Option 3. Address information is de-normalized and stored in Customer