Where are the breakpoint variables located in Magento?

Where are the breakpoint variables located in Magento?

The default breakpoint variables are located in the Magento UI library: lib/web/css/source/lib/variables/_responsive.less. You can change these breakpoints or add new ones in your custom theme. For instructions see the Add a new breakpoint topic. The Blank and Luma theme styles are based on the [Magento UI library].

Can you use a blank theme in Magento?

To re-use them in your custom theme, make your theme inherit from the Magento Blank theme. In the Blank and Luma themes, a “mobile first” approach is used. The order is: This means that the styles for mobile devices (screen width less than 768px) are extended by the styles for the higher breakpoints.

Where do compiled styles go in Magento 2?

If max is used the compiled styles will be placed in styles-m.css with the appropriate media query. Whereas if min is used the compiled styles will be placed in styles-l.css with the appropriate media query. @break: value – sets the value of breakpoint to compare with in media query condition.

How does Magento use media-common style separation?

The approach implemented in the Magento UI library, uses @media-common style group separation and .media-width () mixins which can be used in any .less file in a theme, as many times as needed, but it is invoked only once, in lib/web/css/source/lib/_responsive.less.

Which is out of the box approach does Magento use?

The out of the box Magento Blank and Luma themes (Luma inherits from Blank) use the mobile first RWD approach. It is ensured mostly by means of CSS and JavaScript.

What do you mean by responsive web design?

Responsive web design (RWD, also referred as responsive design) crafts websites to provide an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices (from large, high-resolution desktop computer monitors to mobile phones). The out of the box Magento Blank and Luma themes (Luma inherits from Blank) use the mobile first RWD approach.