How long should you persist a shopping cart?

How long should you persist a shopping cart?

The amount of time that a shopping cart persists in your online store depends on whether the customer is logged in or shopping as a guest: Logged in: the customer has 2 weeks to complete their order and purchase the items they’ve added to the shopping cart. After that period, the cart is emptied.

How do you clear a shopping cart?

Remove items from your Shopping Cart by clicking the cart icon in the upper right-hand corner and clicking the trash can icon next to an item. You can also remove items in the Shopping Cart. Click the checkbox next to the item you wish to delete.

How long can you keep things in your Amazon cart?

(this is very rare and usually will either become a ship now order or just disappear within 7 days). The act of placing an item in a shopping cart does not take it out of the seller’s active inventory. The item goes inactive when the buyer actually selects checkout.

Is it possible to make a persistent shopping cart in OpenCart?

Many e-commerce websites using Opencart in the United States and Canada are being needlessly burdened by a hardwired cookie policy that is causing them to lose customers who return to their websites, only to have to do their ordering all over again. There is no mod that will do this in opencart.

How often should products be removed from shopping cart?

In other words, If a user add products into shopping cart and user is not yet logined. But next time when customer visit site again within a week his products should be in his cart. Products should be removed only when user explicitly removed products from cart or checkout or after one week.

Why are there no persistent cookies on OpenCart?

The reason why OpenCart is built like this appears to be the privacy laws of the European Union, which prohibit persistent cookies unless a registered user has not logged out.