Can SKU be duplicate?

Can SKU be duplicate?

You may inactivate duplicate SKUs in the PIM by selecting them and pressing the light bulb icon. Inactive SKUs will be hidden from the PIM by default. Note that you may only inactivate SKUs that do not have quantity stored.

How to allow for duplicate SKU woocommerce?

If you want to keep the SKU feature but need to disable unique SKU check then you have to use wc_product_has_unique_sku filter. It will keep the SKU field in both backend and frontend, but will allow you to add multiple duplicate SKU. add_filter( ‘wc_product_has_unique_sku’, ‘__return_false’ ); Code goes in function.

How do I remove duplicates in Woocommerce?

c) Delete duplicate products

  1. Select the rows that you want to update: I want to search rows to update.
  2. What field do you want to edit: Title.
  3. Select the type of edit: Remove duplicates.
  4. Click on Execute now.

When to use SKU number for internal use?

Use it internally only: Companies use SKUs mostly for internal purposes to track inventory, although customers can find information about many products by using the SKU number (invoices, catalogs, etc.). Choose a format and stick to it.

Is it easy to set up a SKU?

Creating SKUs is easy and companies of any size can afford to set them up. A few rules, however, should be followed. View the section: How to set up your SKUs: dos and don’ts. Small businesses could easily simplify their inventory management and greatly benefit from SKUs.

How to create efficient SKUs for Your Small Business?

Download our SKU Generator for free to create SKU for your products. Let’s say you sell shoes. Here is an example of a list of different variants that you could consider before generating SKUs: Creating SKUs is easy and companies of any size can afford to set them up. A few rules, however, should be followed.

What does SKU stand for in Business category?

SKU, pronounced as “skew”, is a special number that can transform how you organize your business products. What is a SKU number? SKU stands for Stock Keeping Unit. It is an internal product inventory coding that identifies all your product features (colour, size, etc.).