Why does Google show the wrong meta description for my site?

Why does Google show the wrong meta description for my site?

NOTE: If you need help with titles, use this guide: Google shows wrong titles for my site. The most common reason that Google shows a different meta description than the one you provided, is that they think that their snippet is better (for that search, for that user).

Why do I get errors on my website?

The causes of this error could be from broken links, incorrect URLs, or a redirected page that is no longer valid.

Which is the most common error message on a website?

500 (Internal Server Error) ⇒ this error is another very common message displayed for a lot of users, and it’s pretty much just a generic error message for any type of internal server error that cannot be easily defined.

Why is my meta description missing on my WordPress site?

If your WordPress theme doesn’t follow best practice, or if you’re using plugins which alter the contents of the code in your templates, then your meta description might be missing. The HTML source code for your site should contain exactly one description meta tag.

Can you create a meta description for a blog post?

With Yoast SEO and Yoast SEO Premium, you can craft excellent meta descriptions for your blog posts. But sometimes Google has a mind of its own. In some cases, it may decide to show a search result snippet that does not match what you’ve written.

How to check for meta robots on Google?

You can view the HTML source code of the page to check for a meta robots tag. It should look like this: You can control your robots tag via your meta robots advanced settings. If you’ve recently updated your description, Google might not have crawled the page, or updated their index with your content content.

Why is my RSS feed not working on my website?

You can visit your feed in a browser window or test it with a feed validator tool. If the error disappears, then this means your WordPress theme was causing the issue. You can contact the theme author for support or find a suitable new theme for your website. We hope this article helped you fix WordPress RSS feed errors on your site.

How does meta description tags affect click through rates?

Meta description tags, while not tied to search engine rankings can have a positive effect on click through rates to a pate.”> Google evaluated by itself that the user is searching for information about length, hence it showed information with the number of characters.

How long can a meta description be on Google?

I’ve noticed that meta descriptions in Google snippets are often completely different from the on-page meta tags. Meta description are HTML attributes that provide concise summaries of web pages. Meta description can be any length, but Google generally truncates snippet 300 characters (this limit increased in December 2017).

What do you need to know about meta descriptions?

As noted, meta descriptions have a dual role of describing a webpage and engaging your desired audience via the search engine results. Simply put, do not create boring meta descriptions searchers will immediately glance over. Give them a reason to stop, read and maybe even click to learn more.

What do you mean by meta description in HTML?

The meta description is an HTML attribute that provides a brief summary of a web page. Search engines such as Google often display the meta description in search results, which can influence click-through rates.

What should my title tag and meta description be?

Before we get too far into the problem, let’s briefly review the title tag and the meta description. These are both elements you identify in the head of the HTML code of your page. Best practice is to have a unique title tag and meta description for every page on your site.

Which is better Google or Bing for meta description?

Google got it wrong! Look, Bing got it exactly right! Google, on the other hand, has taken a small liberty here and flipped “Perrill” to the beginning of the title in the search results. Well, at least Google got the meta description right. Remember what we said before.

Why is my Homepage not showing in Google search?

‘My Holiday Let’ you might see other pages of your website showing and not your homepage. This could be an issue with indexing, so the first step would be to check that your entire website has been indexed by Google by entering “site: yourdomainname.com ” into Google. This will then show you a list of all of the pages indexed by Google.

How to search for a missing page in Google?

Search Google for your site or page: For a missing site: Do a site search with the syntax site:your_domain_name. Examples: site:example.com or site:example.com/petstore. For a missing page: Search Google for the full URL of your page. If you see results, then the site or page is in the index: For a site: It is possible that not every page on

What to do if Google is not indexing your website?

Turn off safe search, which might be filtering your results. For a missing page: Search Google for the full URL of your page. For a site: It is possible that not every page on the site is indexed, but the site itself is in our index. Consider adding a sitemap to help Google discover all the pages in your site.

Is it hard to write a meta description in HTML?

Writing it is not hard at all. You can write it in the HTML code of a page, but the easiest way is using a plugin. Don’t worry if your meta descriptions are not showing on Google. You can set your mind at ease because you can do very little in order to change it.

How many characters do you need for a meta description on Google?

Yes, there has been controversy over whether or not meta descriptions are a ranking factor in Google. Regardless, your meta description is 150 characters, give or take, you get to encourage website searchers to click-through to your website. Use those 150 characters wisely. Also note that Google is not the only search engine available.

How are meta tags used in Google search?

Labels a page as containing adult content, to signal that it be filtered by SafeSearch results. Learn more about labeling SafeSearch pages. Google can read both HTML and XHTML-style meta tags, regardless of the code used on the page. With the exception of google-site-verification, letter case is generally not important in meta tags.

What to do if your Google title is wrong?

If you do change your title, be sure to use the Inspect any URL tool in Google Search Console to update Google’s index with the new change. Sometimes this same issue can happen with meta descriptions. Learn more about it here: Google shows wrong meta description for my site.

Why is my Google Plugin meta title different?

When you search for a specific search term, Google scans all indexed pages for the exact term or phrase. Google uses the search term to highlight information in search results which is why the meta title may be different from what you entered into the plugin.

What to do if wrong information is showing in Google search?

Although the text in search results pages is decided by Google’s technology, you can add suggested text with site, SEO, and page descriptions. This process also applies to other search engines. If the wrong information is displaying in Bing, use Bing Webmaster Tools to request a re-index.