When using a jointer what PPE should be worn?

When using a jointer what PPE should be worn?

1. PPE – Personal Protective Equipment must be worn when using the Jointer. This includes eye protection and hearing protection. Gloves should not be worn.

What is the margin of safety for a jointer?

Maintain at least a 6” margin of Safety!!! 9. Use a push stick or push block when planning a flat surface (face).

Where should your hands be when using a jointer?

It is a good practice to use your left hand as the hold-in hand and the right hand as the push/pull and hold-down hand when edge jointing. However, you will have to move both hands during the process of moving the stock through the jointer. Make sure that you always have one hand on the board at all times.

What causes kickback on a jointer?

A board or piece of one, resting on top of the cutter head will experience a force moving it to the operator’s right. If that force is unopposed by the operator adequately pressing the board down and to the left, the board may be thrown to the right. This motion is known as “kickback”.

What is the maximum cut for jointing an edge?

Cuts should be no deeper than 1/8 inch per pass. To use the jointer to smooth edges, feed the wood into the tool with the rough edge facing down. Feed the wood through the jointer as many times as needed to achieve a straight edge. This process is useful for straightening a warped board.

What is the best way to avoid kick back on a jointer?

Kickback is also a concern when using the jointer. Slow, steady feed speed and a thin depth of cut are ways to minimize kickback. Always position stock with bow facing down to achieve the desired results. Always orient stock so that chips are formed ‘with the grain’.

How do you prevent kickbacks?

Here are a few ideas to lessen the risk of kickbacks:

  1. Require that sealed bids be opened in the presence of multiple people.
  2. Create a gratuities policy.
  3. Audit purchases over a certain dollar amount.

Is it safe to work with a jointer?

However, when working with a jointer, safety precautions are crucial to avoid your hands contacting the spinning cutterhead. Here, we have put together four of our favorite articles and videos on jointer safety and operation, plus one bonus article on planer safety.

What are some safety tips for a jointer planer?

Using a jointer planer does require paying attention to some safety tips. Whenever you are working around any type of power tool you should wear safety goggles and ear plugs. You never know when a piece of wood will randomly fly up and into your eyes. Protect yourself by wearing these before you turn on the machine.

What is the safety manual for a jointer?

Safety Manual: Jointer. The jointer does one important thing very well. It creates a perfectly flat surface, either on the face of a board, or on the edge (with the face of the board riding against the jointer’s fence). When milling rough lumber, the jointer represents the first step, producing one flat face and one straight edge for reference.

Do you need goggles to use a jointer?

The primary function of a jointer is to give a rough piece of lumber a flat surface. As such, you can expect flying wood debris when using this tool. For this reason, it is important to have goggles on. The goggles will protect you from flying wood debris that may fly into your eyes.