Can you joint a board with a hand plane?

Can you joint a board with a hand plane?

short boards useless, provided you have an alternate method for jointing them. When the going gets short, I simply reach for a hand plane. Once the only means of achieving a straight, square edge, a well-tuned plane still tackles boards a power jointer can’t, and it does it quietly and safely.

How long of a board can I joint?

Use a pushstick and/or pushblock, and keep your hands a safe distance from the cutterhead. Don’t joint pieces shorter than about 12″. Don’t overreach when jointing long boards. Always wear eye and ear protection.

What’s the best way to make a box joint?

Cut the tails of the joint first and then cut the pins. A box joint is a simplified version of dovetails and provides ample surface area for wood glue to make a very sturdy joint. Tails and pins are cut square on the end of stock just as deep as the stock’s thickness and interlock with the corresponding cuts on another board.

How do you joint the edges of wood?

Make several passes on one end of the board. Each pass should remove more material along the edge than the pass before it. As the jointed surface of the edge approaches the center of the board, turn the board around and repeat this procedure on the other end. The jointed edges should nearly meet in the center.

What’s the best way to joint two wood panels?

When jointing two pieces that will be edge-glued together, joint one piece with the bottom face against the fence, and the other with the top face against the fence [ below ]. If the fence is slightly out of square to the table, the two angles offset each other, and the glued-up panel will be flat [ below ].

What do you need to know about jointing and planing?

Any cup, bow, or twist springs back once the board exits the planer. Again, consider grain direction when feeding stock into the planer. But remember that the planer cuts from the top, so the rules are reversed. To reduce chip-out, orient boards with the grain running uphill toward the back end [ Drawing above ].