What size should a tenon be?

What size should a tenon be?

Over time craftsman have developed general rules for properly sizing their mortise and tenon joints, they are: Tenon length: A tenon’s length should be at least five times its thickness. So, a 1/4″-thick tenon should be 1-1/4″ long.

What are the proportions of a mortise and tenon joint?

A: Of course, the specific mortise-and-tenon size will vary by application, Michael. But as a general guideline, make the tenon about 1⁄ 3 the total thickness of the tenoned workpiece, and about 1⁄ 2 – 2⁄ 3 as long as the width of the mortised workpiece.

What is tenon length?

Tenon length: The general rule is that the minimum tenon length is five times its thickness. So a 1/4″-thick tenon should be 1-1/4″ long. First, make the tenon one-half the width of the rail you’re cutting it on (a 2″-wide rail would get a 1″-wide tenon).

How big does a tenon have to be?

So a 1/4″-thick tenon should be 1-1/4″ long. Of course, if you look at antique furniture, you see this “rule” violated , or maybe the furniture was made before they made the rule. Longer through-tenons are the rule of the day in much 19th and 18th century work. These are wedged tenons, generally.

What are the dimensions of a mortise and tenon?

Mortise & Tenon Dimensions Thickness of Stock Mortise Width Tenon Length 1/2″ 1/4″ 5/8″ 5/8″ 5/16″ 3/4″ 3/4″ 3/8″ 1″ 7/8″ 3/8″ 1″

Which is the correct rule for a tenon?

Some modern texts say the tenon should be one-half the thickness being mortised , not one-third. My opinion is that this difference relates to the tools being used. If you mortise by hand, with chisels, the one-third rules makes more sense in my experience.

How big does a tenon have to be to be Ellis rule?

Ellis’s rule says that your tenon should be 3″ wide. But a 3″-wide tenon is greater than 1-1/2″, which is six times the tenon thickness. So you have to break that tenon into two 1-1/2″-wide tenons.