How is caching used in a web application?

How is caching used in a web application?

Caching happens at different levels in a web application: CDN is used to cache static assets in geographically distributed servers. It sends the assets faster to the end user from the cache. Database caching is the caching natively used by every database.

Do you need to use AppFabric for caching?

AppFabric Caching features must be installed on each server in the cache cluster. Following installation, the AppFabric Configuration Wizard must be used to join each server to the cache cluster. An external file share or database is required to maintain the cache cluster configuration settings.

When to use the AppId key in CLSID?

A class indicates its corresponding AppID under the CLSID key in a named value “AppID”. This mapping is used during activation. Using a named value that indicates an executable name (such as “MYOLDAPP.EXE”).

Which is the best strategy for cache invalidation?

Cache invalidation is easy too. There are several strategies in caching. Some of them include cache aside (or lazy loading), read through cache, and write through cache. Cache aside keeps the cache updated through the application asynchronously. First, the application checks to see whether data exists in the cache.

Can a cache be shared with other caches?

The information stored within an individual cache node, whether its database cached data, web sessions or user shopping carts cannot be shared with other local caches. This creates challenges in a distributed environment where information sharing is critical to support scalable dynamic environments.

Where does the data go in a cache?

If not (we call this a ‘cache miss’), the app will request data from the database and write it to the cache so that the data can be retrieved from the cache again next time. Unlike cache aside, the cache sits in between the application and the database. The application only request data from the cache.

What are the disadvantages of Database caching?

A major disadvantage is that among your applications, each node has its own resident cache working in a disconnected manner. The information stored within an individual cache node, whether its database cached data, web sessions or user shopping carts cannot be shared with other local caches.