How do you calculate Supremum distance in data mining?

How do you calculate Supremum distance in data mining?

Supremum distance Let’s use the same two objects, x1 = (1, 2) and x2 = (3, 5), as in Figure 2.23. The second attribute gives the greatest difference between values for the objects, which is 5 − 2 = 3. This is the supremum distance between both objects.

How do you calculate Euclidean distance in data mining?

Euclidean distance is calculated as the square root of the sum of the squared differences between the two vectors.

What is distance measure in data mining?

Clustering consists of grouping certain objects that are similar to each other, it can be used to decide if two items are similar or dissimilar in their properties. In a Data Mining sense, the similarity measure is a distance with dimensions describing object features.

What is measure in data mining?

In a data warehouse, a measure is a property on which calculations (e.g., sum, count, average, minimum, maximum) can be made.

Which is the best measure of distance in data mining?

Jaccard Index: The Jaccard distance measures the similarity of the two data set items as the intersection of those items divided by the union of the data items. 4. Minkowski distance: It is the generalized form of the Euclidean and Manhattan Distance Measure.

How is Jaccard distance used in data mining?

The Jaccard distance measures the similarity of the two data set items as the intersection of those items divided by the union of the data items. 4. Minkowski distance: It is the generalized form of the Euclidean and Manhattan Distance Measure. In an N-dimensional space, a point is represented as,

How is the similarity measure used in data mining?

In a Data Mining sense, the similarity measure is a distance with dimensions describing object features. That means if the distance among two data points is small then there is a high degree of similarity among the objects and vice versa.

How to measure distance between words in text mining?

In this article, we will go through 4 basic distance measurements: Befo r e any distance measurement, text have to be tokenzied. If you do not familiar with word tokenization, you can visit this article. Comparing the shortest distance among two objects. It uses Pythagorean Theorem which learnt from secondary school.