How do you select the top 2 values in SQL?

How do you select the top 2 values in SQL?

Select TOP 2 * from Products where Price = (Select Max(Price) from Products);

How do I select the top 2nd row in SQL Server?

Use TOP 2 in the SELECT to get the desired number of rows in output. This would return in the sequence the data was created. If you have a date option you could order by the date along with TOP n Clause. Select top 2 [id] from table Order by [id] desc should give you want you the latest two rows added.

How do you select top 10 values in SQL?

Example – Using TOP PERCENT keyword SELECT TOP(10) PERCENT contact_id, last_name, first_name FROM contacts WHERE last_name = ‘Anderson’ ORDER BY contact_id; This SQL SELECT TOP example would select the first 10% of the records from the full result set.

How do I select the second row in a table?

Selecting a Row or Column To select a row in a table, move the cursor to the left of the row until it turns into a white arrow pointing up and to the right, as shown in the following image. To select multiple rows this way, drag the mouse down over the other rows once you’ve selected one row.

When to use select top in SQL Server?

Introduction to SQL Server SELECT TOP The SELECT TOP clause allows you to limit the number of rows or percentage of rows returned in a query result set. Because the order of rows stored in a table is unspecified, the SELECT TOP statement is always used in conjunction with the ORDER BY clause.

How to specify the top clause in Transact SQL?

For example, if expression is set to 5 but two additional rows match the values of the ORDER BY columns in row 5, the result set will contain seven rows. You can specify the TOP clause with the WITH TIES argument only in SELECT statements, and only if you’ve also specified the ORDER BY clause.

How to use select top, limit, FETCH FIRST clause in SQL?

SQL TOP, LIMIT, FETCH FIRST or ROWNUM Clause 1 The SQL SELECT TOP Clause. The SELECT TOP clause is used to specify the number of records to return. 2 Demo Database. Obere Str. 57 120 Hanover Sq. 3 SQL TOP, LIMIT and FETCH FIRST Examples 4 SQL TOP PERCENT Example 5 ADD a WHERE CLAUSE

How to select the top 2 rows for each group?

In MySQL, you can use user-defined variables to get a row number in each group: select name, score from ( SELECT name, score, (@row:=if(@prev=name, @row +1, if(@prev:= name, 1, 1))) rn FROM test123 t CROSS JOIN (select @row:=0, @prev:=null) c order by name, score desc ) src where rn <= 2 order by name, score;