How do I delete a linked server in SQL Server?

How do I delete a linked server in SQL Server?

To remove all remote and linked server logins for a server when you remove the server, use the droplogins argument. sp_dropserver cannot be executed inside a user-defined transaction.

What is linked server provider?

Linked servers enable the SQL Server Database Engine and Azure SQL Managed Instance to read data from the remote data sources and execute commands against the remote database servers (for example, OLE DB data sources) outside of the instance of SQL Server.

How do I modify a linked server?

Two of the easiest ways to modify linked server properties in SQL Server are to use provided templates from the Template Browser and use the DROP/CREATE TO scripting function from an existing linked server. We can use these scripts to change the linked server alias, data source, and a wide range of other options.

How do I change the data source of a linked server?

In SQL Server management Studio click right on the linked server, choose “Script Linked Server as’ then choose ‘DROP and CREATE to’ and then “New Query Editor Window’. You can now adjust any settings that you want to adjust in the script and then run it. The existing linked server will be dropped and a new one created.

How do I rename a linked server?

Go to start-administrative tools and open the data sources(odbc) then click on system dsn, here you will find the linked server dsn name. From here you can edit the properties of linked server.

How do I use ODBC data source?

Add an ODBC data source

  1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
  2. In the Control Panel, double-click Administrative Tools.
  3. In the Administrative Tools dialog box, double-click Data Sources (ODBC).
  4. Click User DSN, System DSN, or File DSN, depending on the type of data source you want to add.
  5. Click Add.

How to remove a linked server from SQL Server?

To remove a linked server, use the sp_dropserver system stored procedure. This removes a server from the list of known remote and linked servers on the local instance of SQL Server. This stored procedure accepts two arguments: the server name, and an optional argument for removing any logins associated with the server.

Can a linked server be dropped without a login?

You won’t get an error if there are no logins associated with the linked server. For example, if you create a linked server without using sp_addlinkedsrvlogin to add a login, you’ll be able to drop the server without using the droplogins argument. This is true even if a mapping was created between your local login and one on the remote server.

How to get information about a linked server?

You can use stored procedures and catalog views to manage linked server definitions: Create a linked server definition by running sp_addlinkedserver. View information about the linked servers defined in a specific instance of SQL Server by running a query against the sys.servers system catalog views.

What does linked server mean in SQL Server?

Applies to: SQL Server (all supported versions) Azure SQL Managed Instance Linked servers enable the SQL Server Database Engine and Azure SQL Managed Instance to read data from the remote data sources and execute commands against the remote database servers (for example, OLE DB data sources) outside of the instance of SQL Server.