Are cookies personally identifiable information?

Are cookies personally identifiable information?

In short: when cookies can identify an individual via their device, it is considered personal data. This supports Recital 26, which states that any data that can be used to identify an individual either directly or indirectly (whether on its own or in conjunction with other information) is personal data.

Do I need consent for session cookies?

These cookies will generally be first-party session cookies. While it is not required to obtain consent for these cookies, what they do and why they are necessary should be explained to the user. These cookies can share that information with other organizations or advertisers.

Why is the EU Cookie Law called the cookie law?

That is why the Directive came to be known as the EU Cookie Law. It gave the EU member states a framework to make their own laws to implement the Directive. All EU member states since adopted the Directive in 2011 and implemented their laws. The Cookie Law’s key takeaway is the prior consent for using cookies.

Do you need to give consent for cookies in the EU?

Here’s an example of a standard cookie banner that allows users to give or decline to give consent for cookies: If you use advertising cookies, and you offer goods and services in the EU, you’ll need a cookie consent solution, too. The EU is way ahead of any other jurisdiction in the world when it comes to data protection.

Is it possible to opt out of cookies in Europe?

European law says opt-out should be possible, but most websites just tell the user they use cookies and keep it to that. This applies to EVERY website targeting europeans, no matter where you host or where the company originates.

What kind of Technology is covered by the cookie law?

There are other technologies, like Flash and HTML5 Local Storage that do similar things, and these are also covered by the legislation, but as cookies are the most common technology in use, it has become known as the Cookie Law. All websites owned in the EU or targeted towards EU citizens, are now expected to comply with the law.