Are log files larger?

Are log files larger?

If you have a huge modification going on, then yes, it can be normal to have a log file larger than your data file. After the huge modification is over, and the log backup is done, the file will not shrink back to it’s original size however.

How big can log files be?

No more than 2 or 3 entries per user action though, unless you are doing batch operations. Don’t put more than 2MB in a file, so the user can email it you. Don’t keep more than 50MB of logs, because it’s probably not your space you are wasting here.

How big should a log file be in a database?

A good STARTING POINT for your log file is twice the size of the largest index in your database, or 25% of the database size. Whichever is larger. Why? If the largest object in your database is larger than 25% of your database, you are likely running some type of maintenance.

How big should my log file be, Brent?

There are about a billion but-what-ifs that could come into play. I can’t possibly answer all of those for you. But that’s not the point of this post, anyway! If you’re in a special circumstance, using some fancy features, or doing something utterly deranged to your database, this isn’t the post, or script, for you.

How to stop growing log file too big?

If you are taking an hourly T-Log backup, your T-Log would grow until one hour but after this the T-Log backup would truncate all the ‘committed’ transactions once you take it. Doing this would lead the size of the T-Log not to go down much, but it would rather be marked as empty for the next hour’s T-Log to populate.

What should I do if my SQL log file is too big?

This follows that if disaster comes, you would not be able to restore your T-Logs and there would be no option for you to do point in time recovery. If you are fine with this situation and there is nothing to worry, I suggest that you change your recovery model to Simple Recovery Model.