Are there any required fields that are missing?

Are there any required fields that are missing?

REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [Name]? Welcome to Support! Search for an answer or ask a question of the zone or Customer Support. Need help? Dismiss Don’t have an account? Don’t have an account? REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING: Required fields are missing: [Name]?

What does it mean when required fields are missing in Salesforce?

If the required fields are not mapped when the connector runs, it will give this error. This error means that either a mapping was missing in a step of your connector, the field was missing in the response, or there is an issue with your Skip-If formula if you’re using one.

How to skip required field when updating a record?

If a field is marked required in the Schema (Setup -> Customize -> Leads -> Fields -> Click Custom Field (Mark Required) than API calls will require the fields. If a field is marked required in a Validation Rule (Setup -> Customize -> Leads -> Validation Rules (Valdiation Rule for Field) than API calls will require the fields.

How to map required fields in Salesforce connector?

To map the required fields in the connector, click ” Map Another Field ” within the object and choose the field that is required to be mapped by Salesforce. Make sure the field is set as required so the respondent is required to fill in this information.

How is missingfieldexception class initialized in Microsoft Docs?

Initializes a new instance of the MissingFieldException class with the specified class name and field name. Holds the class name of the missing member. Holds the name of the missing member. Holds the signature of the missing member. Gets a collection of key/value pairs that provide additional user-defined information about the exception.

Why do I get a compilation error for missingfieldexception?

Normally a compilation error is generated if code attempts to access a nonexistent member of a class. MissingFieldException is designed to handle cases where an attempt is made to dynamically access a renamed or deleted field of an assembly that is not referenced by its strong name.