Can a data layer be in two different coordinate systems?

Can a data layer be in two different coordinate systems?

However, in most cases you will be working with data layers in different coordinate systems. Every time you load a layer that is in a different coordinate system than your data frame, the program will warn you and ask you whether you want to transform the layer to match the coordinate system of the data frame.

Is your spatial data in two ( or more ) different coordinate systems?

No problem! Sometimes you get spatial data from different sources. This usually means the data are in different coordinate systems. If you are not aware of this issue, you will load the data in ARCGIS to find out that the data (e.g. point locations, polygons, etc.) are not placed where they should be (there is a geographical displacement).

Is the data frame in the same coordinate system?

In this example I selected as a coordinate system for the data frame, the same coordinate system as the layer “admindivisions” (GCS_GDA_1994). Ideally, when you are working on a GIS project, all your layers and your data frame should be set in the same coordinate system.

How to convert data from one coordinate system to another?

And often, we need to convert data from one coordinate system to another. In particular, we often need to convert COGO points from one form to another. Many people use programs such as Corpscon for this task, but you can also do it with AutoCAD® Civil® 3D.

How can I import two different coordinate systems?

You can choose a coordinate system from the list of loaded layers, import it from a (non-loaded) layer, or simply choose one coordinate system from the list available in the program ( “modify” option: geographic coordinate systems or projected coordinate systems).

How are map layers supposed to work together?

In order for multiple map layers to work properly together, they must all use the same Coordinate System. The following directions will walk you through the process of checking your Map Layers/Shapefiles to find out which Coordinate System they are using and how to change them if they are different.

How to tell which coordinate system a map is using?

Click on the Source tab. In the Data Source section, there should be a label that says Geographic Coordinate System or Projected Coordinate System. This tells you which Coordinate System this map layer uses. Check all of your other Map Layers to make sure that they are using the same Coordinate System.